I am trying to find out how I can reduce the frequency of all "random" dragon attacks (cities and wilderness), by using the creation kit.
I have recently acquired Skyrim for PC, and I am attempting to mod it to my preferences. I have already started to subscribe a select few mods on Steam Workshop that already do what I want. (Such as Arthmoor's Run for your lives and Vampire attack mods.) However, there are still a few changes that I cannot find appropriate mods for. (Skreee doesn't seem to be supported anymore, and it doesn't reduce the frequency enough.) Also, I am trying to use only Steam workshop and personal mods; please resist the urge to suggest nexus mods.
I am more than willing to get my own hands dirty, but I find that I am wasting my time wading through countless online tutorials. Most tutorials go over specific tools that I will likely never use, so I need someone's help finding what I need specifically. (I have already used the search function on this forum and google.)
In fact if you could tell me how to do it entirely, that would be awesome. I am confident that I could follow some detailed instructions without a video. (I've already successfully created some armor mods that take in-game models and create new IDs, along with forging and tempering recipes. So I have some basic understanding of the sensitivity of changing files that have users, etc.)
Thank you for your time.
P.S. I guess I also have another, less important, question.
If I wanted to change the .nif file of an armor-addon, specifically under "first-person model", would I need to use some kind of BSA unpacker to use one of the in-game files? The reason I ask, is because I wanted to solve some clipping issues with nightingale gloves and ebony mail. I was hoping to accomplish this by changing the 1st person .nif of my duplicated armor-addon, made from Ebony Mail, to the 1st person .nif of Nightingale cuirass. (You really don't see much of the shoulders in first person, but the clipping between models on the forearms is bugging me a little.) The third person .nif of ebony mail doesn't clip at all thankfully.
Does, Skyrim come with some kind of BSA unpacker, or do I need to download a third party tool?
Basically, I made a mod that takes a duplicated armor-addon of Ebony mail and references it to a duplicated armor ID (stripped it of all enchantments and relevant editor IDs); I also gave it similar stats and recipe requirements to the vanilla ebony armor. (it bugged me that Iron armor could have a version with no pauldrons, but ebony could not.)