I was thinking about this, who would be the best marriage partner? There are alot of ladies out there! I think it would come down to Serana and Fastard, in real life, I think Serana might be more opt to listening but not so sure! Fastard seems to be interesting, she would join in with you, oh, I can't forget that one girl in Falkreath, her name Senni? She is the one that is the bar maid at the inn, she is not that attractive to me as some of the others, but she has a good personality and seems very faithful, that is a big thing for me, the chick that stands around at the market and cleans at the Inn, is pretty, but all in all a gold digger! That vampire chick in Morthal would not be a good choice, because she es to seduce everyone she meets, well it's obvious she was a home wrecker with Hrogar, Ysolda is another gold digger in Whiterun, the lady at one of the stands may be a good choice, because she seems very down to earth, but really think she has a thing for the bard, I think it would be kind of fun to marry Adrianne, lol, you might have to go through her boyfriend at the smithing shop though, he seems to get jealous alot, but he does spend alot of time around the butch chick in the Bannered Mare. We should do character profiling! Ysolda is not gettin any from me!