Valton: The New Hold, RP Thread (Chapter II) #2

Post » Thu Jun 13, 2013 5:50 pm

The Premise:

An ambitious project began in the Rift several months ago: a new settlement sprung up alongside a river, between Ivarstead and Riften. Enough land was purchased for the new settlement, Valton, to be recognized as a new, separate hold, and the man who had purchased the land, Radwulf Spurvhauke, was given the title of Jarl. Valton is still growing, with the castle, Gudslott Keep, being erected first, and then several smaller buildings were built around it, though most of them are currently empty. In an attempt to attract as many citizens as possible to the new hold, Jarl Spurvhauke has set an extremely low price on these homes: a mere 1,000 golden septims, and settlers have been coming in from all over in a hope of a better life or a chance at making some coin, and as a new settlement, there is plenty of opportunity to do so.

The Characters:

  • - Altmer priest of the Eight (played by Magus the Red)
  • - Nord farmer (played by Smig)
  • - Nord Captain of the Guard (played by Smig)
  • - Reachwoman (Nord/Breton) witch and court-mage (played by Vincent McCool)
  • - Orc blacksmith and enchanter (played by GorbadPS3)
  • - Nord lumberjack (played by Gavril)
  • - Dunmer stable master (played by Fisheye98)
  • - Breton mason/carpenter (played by AyumiFan)
  • - Imperial daedra hunter and mercenary (played by Person from Anticlere)
  • - Nord agent for the EEC (played by Auroness)
  • - Argonian scholar (played by Pegaro)
  • - High Elf brewer and ex-sailor (played by The Pompous Altmer)
  • - Dark Elf bandit (played by El Barto 227)
  • - Bosmer hunter and alchemist (played by Gavril)
  • - Imperial trader (played by TheLexicon)
  • - Khajiit moneylender/fence (played by Shadowed_Hunter)
  • - Nord, the Jarl of Valton (played by Vincent McCool & GorbadPS3)
  • - Imperial woodsman (played by Mhund)
  • - Imperial innkeeper (played by AyumiFan)
  • - Dunmer artist (played by Auroness)
  • - Imperial butcher (played by Mr March)
  • - Imperial deserting scout (played by WITYM)
  • - Imperial diplomat (played by Tausig2)
  • - Nord pilgrim/rogue (played by Criminal_Scum)
  • - Redguard hunter/craftsman (played by AnUnusualMercenary)

Other Stuff:

Past threads of this RP:

This RP takes place one month after the events in Chapter I. Those events aren't very important going into the new chapter, but if you'd like to browse through the old one, here it is: (started 20th of January, 2012)

In short, two main events might bleed into the new chapter:

  • The Court Mage, Fiona Barrow-Heart, disappeared suddenly. Leandra, an Imperial mercenary, is on a quest to find her.
  • A series of strange, unexplained, and possibly magical events, have happened. The latest of which was a fire that burnt down an abandoned building in Valton.

This RP is open for new players. Head over to the for further information and questions. Also, here's the,_The_New_Hold._Wiki, with a map, the characters and other information. The four co-GMs are: Vincent McCool, GorbadPS3, AyumiFan and Smig.

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Post » Thu Jun 13, 2013 12:22 pm

Vidar, Gorbad’s Forge, Afternoon.

Vidar listened as the soft-speaking Dunmer began to elaborate on her request, but she was stopped midway through by some infatuating distraction toward the crackling forge. She’s either got an eye for Orcs or smithing. Vidar thought to himself with bemusemant. After regaining herself, the elf finally got around to an introduction; Thalin Drom the Artist as it were, and she was in need of protection for the road to Helgen.

Just then Merildor left the forge and Gorbad appeared shortly aftwarward with Vidar's once tired-looking blade, now sharp enough to shave the dust off a luna moth. Intruding somewhat on the conversation, Gorbad presented the blade to Vidar, which he took in his right hand and ran his left thumb across the edge, he was startled when a rivulet of blood began to slowly creep down to his wrist. So sharp was the blade, that this small cut was accompanied by no pain. “That’s damn fine work Gorbad, even better than what I’ve seen at Understone Keep.” Vidar said with genuine sincerity as the orc went back to the forge.

Vidar returned the blade to the scabbard on his belt and turned his attention back to Thalin; “Helgen you said? What could be so unusual as to warrant that backwater a visit?” Heasked in a slightly mocking tone without even introducing himself. “I avoided the place myself as I made my way East from Markarth, nothing there but enough Imperials to qualify as a military occupation."

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Post » Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:39 am

Kriej "Garret" Ga-Rut, The Keep, Afternoon

Garret took the parchment well into his hand and read it finely, he had an eye for these things. In a short matter of time he had reread every word thrice and while some of the could be challenged on limits to his area in the future, he saw several more that could legally expand it if it were challenged. He nodded his head when he was finally satisfied with the deal and spoke. "Yes, yes. This is a wonderful deal, my Jarl. Perfect for the price a paid; hopefully it will be rich in bounty and the river flowing full of fish. And you," Garret turned his head towards the person who had written the paper, he paused his breath a little, looking fiercly at the person, "excellent penmanship. Very neat and concise without the added dribble of calligraphic extrusions, the only field I would suggest you work on is legal wording. This paper is vague on the extents of my property, doesn't mention water rights, and does not fully affirm the land will be taxed as an annexed residential area. If you could see me sometime this week in my chamber, or anytime during construction of my manor, I would be more than happy to instruct you on the proper usage of terms and inclusions."

The young scribe, likely no more than thirty, seemed shaken. Garret's voice had been soothing and pleasant with the Jarl with a twinge of roughness, but to him, even if the pitch hadn't changed, it seemed condemning and critical. Eventually the man succumbed to his own words, and said "Y- Yes, sir. I would be most appreciative if you would allow me to learn that."

Garret, seemingly content with the scribe and his purchase gave a low bow to Jarl Radwulf, showing deepest respects. "My Jarl, I will be retiring for the evening. My journey has been long and my goals fruitful. If I am needed, as I am now a vassal of your realm, beckon and I will be yours. I've noticed you're tired, and a weary cou-," Garret had to stop himself, as he always had the same recomendation to his count, "I mean, Jarl, leads to a weary city. I've no medical experience nor standing to you, but as a bystander it would be atrocious if stress leads you to illness. Until we meet again, my Jarl."

He rose from his bow, turned away from the Jarl and his small council of scribe and guard, a display of trust, and left to his room with key and hand. The only notable event he did was grab his crate and reach into the liner of his jacket for a small bottle: whiskey.

Once inside his room, he made sure not to lock the door, at least tonight. Locked doors for aquantinces left bad impressions, and he was assured anyone needing him would knock. He took his bottle fully from his coat, tore the cork out, and drank as a man suffering in Hammerfell's deserts would water. In mere moments, the bottle was finished and Garret sat at a desk present in the room, folding his arms over his potbelly. This lasted several moments until in an almost religious habit, he reached into the crate and from his personal belongings fulled a weathered a worn journal. He took a pen from his trousers pockets and wrote inside of a new page with a hand holding his slightly intoxicated head.

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