Isabell: I like her first pic best
Roselyn: 2 and 3 was hard but I like the second more
Isabell: I like her first pic best
Roselyn: 2 and 3 was hard but I like the second more
No clue, probably just some gauntlets from another armor set.
Agreed, the more I look at them the more I like Isabell's first pic, and Rose's second has always been a favorite of mine so I say use that one.
hey did you want that character to be in the competition?
I'm partial to the third picture, the lighting on her face is great.
I think I'll go to sleep now but I hope that I get some more pictures next morning. Goodnight everyone!
Out of curiosity what do you consider unrealistic? For that matter, how much skin showing is too much? I know Fur and Forsworn already show a fair amount of skin.
I'm surprised this thread made it to page 2 without any ridiculously overmodded anime characters.
Meh, I'm sure they will show up but it doesn't bother me, what makes people happy in their single player game has no effect on me whether I agree with it or not.
A couple of my only character on new pc, Errilin Steelhawk.
(Please help me decide which pic to use!)
Medea Selarys (portrait), vanilla based char, built 11/28 2011, my horse in the race Skyrim), just in case of two images each ha
she looks cuter in the tavern for some strange reason as I love the warrior woman look, especially with a Talos amulet around her neck. I would try ditching the circlet though as imo it doesn't do her justice
very nice, she looks like she's half japanese, half demon (the sixy sinister kind) likey.
Jelissas tavern picture added
Medea added
She again? I really like her. Is this like a mod picture of her?
My Dawnguard Imperial I hope the pic is ok?
Okay we now have 10 slots filled I will start the poll soon. I will stop taking pictures now