I am trying to get a scriptdragon mod that allows dual wield blocking to be able to bash as well, I want to know first how the CK works it's bashing mechanic. I know that certain playidles will not work unless certain conditions are met, in this case I know that bashing would require blocking. When I block normally and then bash normally, it would say in the console "(wants to block)is blocking" when I use "player.playidle bashStart" command. However, when I block using the button mapped for dual wield blocking, and then type in the console "player.playidle bashStart" it would say "(doesn't want to block)is blocking", and won't bash...
I want to know what enables the "wants to block" message to happen instead of "doesn't want to block", I also want to know what other conditions are required in order for bashing to happen while blocking, besides getting power bash perk.
I also want to know how to make "playidle" work similarly to how normal bash is, because when I type in "player.playidle bashStart", it will perform the bash animation as if I was holding the mouse button, I want to know how the CK allows for fast bashes based on how long you hold down the mouse button.
Lastly, how does one go about making animations play until something else happens? I know there is a command you can use in the CK or scriptdragon "playanimationandwait", but I am not sure how to use that, I'd like an example to guide me. My intentions for this is for example, say I wanted to do 1h right hand and spell off-hand, when it blocks I want the spell to go away from my off-hand, but the minute I stop blocking the spell reappears on my offhand, what I was thinking is having the spell unequip and then equip it again when "stopblocking"(00013ACA) happens.