RP Proposal & Planning

Post » Thu Jun 13, 2013 6:39 pm

So, I'd like to propose an RP, but I don't know if anyone would like to take a hold of it and join in. Here's the plot idea:

In the high remote reaches of The Rift, a Dwemer ruin was found. Its name, in the Common Tongue, is The Blackstone Freehold, however most just call it Blackstone or Blackstone Keep. The idea in mind is that adventurers had cleared it, now, the place is being turned into its own hold, however the 'hold' only refers to the city itself. The city is somewhat dilapidated through eras of decay and being unused. The Jarl, Advar Ironvein, works hard to see to the city being repaired in its pre-vanish glory. However, the old Dwemer sunburst banners are taken to a great hall where Dwemer artifacts are preserved with great care.


The City's sigil crimson banner is a hammer striking an anvil with sparks flying. The hammer, anvil and sparks are a rich gold colour.

Would anyone be interested in helping flesh out the city RP and the details? I'm looking for a Steward and people to take up jobs as citizens, merchants and miners for the city (and a forgemaster obviously)

Right now, this is all up in the air, but I'd REALLY like to see this take off. :biggrin:

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