[RELzWIPz] Illusion and Mysticism Spells

Post » Thu Jun 13, 2013 9:26 pm

I've re-created a few traditional TES spells for Skyrim and put them on Nexus: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/37138.
The description on that site gives an overview and the embedded http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/~rakhmato/skyrim/iam_spells/ explains what the mod is all about at some length.

Basically, I aim to implement my favorite spells from TES:III and TES:IV. The main guidelines for the mod are:
  • Illusion spells deal no damage
  • Mysticism spells are primarily utility spells (not absorb health and so on)
  • Prioritize spells that are not already on Nexus
  • Prioritize functionality over abundance
  • Spells should work out of the box without the need to explain anything
To give you an idea of what to expect, here are a couple of spells:
effect / spell name / summary
  • sound / pandemonium / interrupt a target's casting,
  • silence / silence / prevent a target from casting anything all together
  • chameleon / chameleon / become transparent
  • command humanoid / subjugate / force an NPC to be your ally for a short duration
  • command creature / possess creature / same
  • sanctuary / sanctuary (Morrowind) / dodge some physical damage
  • nighteye / sixth vision / enables caster to see in the dark
  • balefire / light / basically a magelight (Skyrim) clone with a better projectile and a large radius
  • charm / charm / buy and sell stuff at better prices, improve persuasion
  • spelldrinker / absorb spell / negate effect of offensive magic, converting the absorbed damage to magicka
  • mirror / reflect spell / return a negative spell at a hostile NPC (passively, no ward)
If this looks interesting, grab the mod, try some of the spells and tell me what you think. Ideas for spells are welcome, but they must be within the guidelines of Illusion and Mysticism as defined on the UESP lore pages. If you can provide some feedback on my scripts and approaches in the esp, that would be fantastic. I've spent a considerable amount of time play-testing and making notes of what needs to be fixed (TODO), but your feedback would help me figure out priorities.

Alright! That should about cover it. Thanks for reading.
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Kristian Perez
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