I am at 52 with an Archer-Warrior character. I have done almost everything in Skyrim and Dragonborn. How do you get to levels like 75? Do you just go back to places you have visited before?
I am at 52 with an Archer-Warrior character. I have done almost everything in Skyrim and Dragonborn. How do you get to levels like 75? Do you just go back to places you have visited before?
You advance on what skills you use, not what you do. You would need to build up the skills you have not been using to get to higher levels.
Or if you want to Legendary any of your current skills, you can build them up again to get to a higher level. But it can be a bit buggy doing it that way.
Why, the only thing your going to unlock are 3 new dragons. There is no new content to be had other than that after level 50.
You can get to meet that Ebony Warrior at level 80 if you have the Dragonborn DLC. Personally I agree it is not worth it, but I was doing it anyway.
Some of the perks are not going to work the second time around, and some still work even though you cleared them. You would have to check around the forum to find which ones do it. You are that desperate to get to a higher level and do not want to work on other skills, I would think it would be tolerable.
You're going to have to use and build skills you haven't to level that high. So if you haven't been picking pockets or casting spells as an Archer-Warrior type, or if you haven't been enchanting things or crafting potions, you're going to have to start, or pay for whatever training you can get. Without using the Legendary feature, you will reach a maximum level of 81 once all of your skills are at 100.
I've never taken a character that high. Mine typically stop leveling once they've reached the mid 60s.
Don't know if you are on PC but there are mods (like Elys uncapper) that allow you to raise skills past 100. I have two characters above level 86.