I'm very aware that, in the end it all comes to down to how I feel about this and what I will decide.
But I still believe that having other people's input included in the equation does contribute.
I have five characters, and my favorite one is my Nord warrior. The morally good hero.
His skills are two-handed, heavy armor, archery and restoration.
Now, the source of my dilemma. At first, I only used the Oghma exploit so I could skip the tedious smithing grinding.
But then, after beating all MQ's, I wanted to have him face the Ebony Warrior. I used the same method to reach lvl 80. I had to touch upon thief and mage skills in order to reach it.
Now I get comments from the guards about his thieving skills even though he's a good guy. I hate that.
And there's this whole feeling of being fake.
The cons are that, I've played this same character twice in the past, because I never got the chin right and Galathil's services weren't available for PS3 users back then.
It would be more or less the same experience, and no, I'd never change his skillset. It's who he is.
I only want to know, what would you do if you were in my shoes? If it were your favorite character's situation.