[VOICE ACTORS NEEDED] Helgen Rebuilt Project for Skyrim audi

Post » Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:27 pm

Hello! I'm building a medium sized quest mod for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSRtYpNRoN0 game by Bethesda. If you aren't familiar with Skyrim, it's similar in a lot of ways to Lord of the Rings in that it's in a fantasy world, and there's dragons, magic and lots of sword fighting. (Some of the stuff I have in here was because I used the same posting at a couple of voice acting communities.)

The mod itself is roughly 80% complete in terms of mechanics and structure. Likewise, nearly 80% of my dialog is already in place with placeholder tracks done by myself waiting for final tracks from whomever I cast in the parts. The final recorded tracks are one of the main things I have left to do, so I feel it's time to get roles cast and the recording of those going. Make no mistake this project WILL be completed. I've worked nearly a year to get this far, and I'm sure not quitting now, lol. If you doubt me, you can https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElotLHPm-C0 of the town and a Private Tower the player can use in the link below. And just to let you know, I already have the lead character (Marcus Jannus) cast, and have roughly 50% of the final tracks for him already in place and the rest of his tracks are under way. Also, if you look through https://www.youtube.com/user/FlopZnuts you'll find other WIP bits for this project that I've uploaded.

One other thing is that since this is my first time posting here, you folks don't know me from Adam, lol. If you played Fallout New Vegas and happened to play http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/40433 or the http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/43757? mods, I am the author of both. TNBS is the 3rd most endorsed quest mod of all time on The Nexus and in the top 50 of everything. And many people have said the Afterschool Special is one of the best mods they have ever played. (I don't want to sound like I'm bragging, because I'm not. I just want you fine folks to understand that I am a serious modder, and this is not some hack project that won't get finished.)

That being said, the backstory of my mod in short is one of two old soldiers who served together in The Great War which took place some 20 years ago in the game. There are many facets of the story I won't go into in this post because I would end up with a giant wall of text. Just trust me that the story is very fleshed out, and has a LOT of substance to it. I will go into more detail with those who get cast in the mod.

The first and most important thing I will be looking for is sound quality. I don't want to sound like a jerk, but if your acting is superb but the sound quality is poor, you will not be cast. However, that does not mean that the acting is not almost as equally important, because it is.

Please record your files in 44100hz, 16-bit mono format, place all files in a folder, zip it up and [email=ilovegolf@triad.rr.com]EMAIL TO ME HERE[/email], with Helgen Audition in the subject line, and PLEASE leave a reply here that you have sent in an audition.

If you wish to audition for more than one part, simply include those lines as well. I might not cast you in your preferred role, but I might like your voice for another role. Also, if you have a question about a particular accent, don't hesitate to ask. If I need to I can direct you to some samples or clips.

The deadline for auditions is Feb, 19 2013 (2 weeks from today)

RACES AND VOICE TYPES IN SKYRIM (in case you're not familiar)
Nord - These are the indigenous people of Skyrim. Many sound something like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but some also have western accents too.
Imperial & Breton - European, Scottish, Irish and even American accents are great.
Redguard - They are sort of like the black folks in Skyrim. I would prefer African American voices if possible.
Elf races - Altmer - Definitely need British for these, the more condescending the better. My elves are Altmer who are pretty much arrogant racists and I want them to come across as such.
Argonian - Kind of Lizard-Men, reptilian with gruff voices. European and American accents are fine.
Orc - Green skinned with flat pig looking noses and small tusks. Gruff, deep voices are best with American accent.
Khajiit - Kind of Cat-Men. Almost a sort of Russian or Eastern European or even Arabic sound to their accent. More mid to higher pitch in tone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ux-rG9jWegc

MAJOR CHARACTERS (ie with the most lines or most important parts in the story)

Marcus Jannus - (cast: Ben Britton)

Valerius Tiberius Artoria - (Male Imperial, 50's in age, prefer deep American accent, 150 + lines)

Valerius' wife and children were tortured and murdered in public on the streets of the Imperial City during The Great War by my antagonist Aerandil. As a result, he has been obsessed with revenge for 2 decades, and it has consumed him. But reuniting with his old friend Marcus Jannus has helped him start to let go of the past in some ways, but the man still carries tremendous guilt and sorrow.

Line 1) "Why would he want to help me? After he sees what I've become he'll leave soon enough. But, go tell him I'll meet with him regardless."

Line 2) "At least then we can say our proper goodby's to one another. We never got to do that before."

Aerandil - Antagonist (Male Altmer, 50's in age, arrogant condescending British accent with sinister undertones ala Clive Revill or Ian McDiarmid (the emperor in Star Wars)

Line 1) "Do you think that slaughtering an entire dispatch of Aldmeri soldiers including two Justiciars would go unnoticed by The Dominion"?

Line 2) "Were it not for me, that fetid little town you're trying to rebuild would have been razed to the ground by now, and The Thalmor would have once and for all put an end to your pathetic little band of miscreants."

Korst - (Male Nord, 50's in age. Strong seasoned warrior and Captain of Valerius' guard.) NOTE: The first lines are from a scene where there are new guards recruited to protect the town. Korst lines them up like the drill sergeant in Full Metal Jacket. The second are from missions he gives you to take the guards out on evaluations.

Line 1) "Recruits! Front and center. Form a line right here. Let's see now, what do we have here? A Lizard, a catman, a puny Nord and a woman! Ha, ha, you are a pitiful lot aren't you?"

Line 2) "Now then, it looks like some Bandits have been causing trouble near here. Take Joto with you and see what you can find out and report back to me."

Balfring Fire-Scale - (Nord Male 50's in age, blacksmith and soldier.)

Line 1) "Stop right there. Don't even think about moving. You see my friends coming? They won't hesitate to kill you if you so much as breathe funny."

Line 2) "Now, who are you and what is the meaning of this intrusion? Quickly now, SPEAK!"

Reinhardt - (Male Imperial 30's to 50's, would love Scottish or Irish if possible but British or American is OK too.) Basically, he runs a sawmill who is supplying Helgen with lumber to rebuild the town, but has a gambling problem and has fallen behind in his lumber shipments. He lies about his problem and blames it on not being able to hire any help.

Line 1) "Marcus Jannus, ahh yes, the fellow from Chorrol. Well, tell him we're short-handed on help right now, but we're getting to him as quickly as we can."

Line 2) "Bolund has injured his back and is convalescing, so I don't have anyone to work the mill. I'm trying to hire more help, but haven't had any luck."

Wiglaf - (Nord Male, 30's - 50's, American accent deep to mid tone.
He is the announcer at a gambling pit called "Fight Cave"? which is a gladiator arena. The voice needs to have a lot of presence http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=te-LXFnp3Qg

He will be introducing the fighters for their matches.

Line 1) "Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome to another exciting round of action in the Fight Cave!"

Line 2) "Your first fighter, you know him and you love him! Hailing from Markarth, by way of The Dragontail Mountains. Mork The Fearful!"

Dianna (a prosttute) - (Breton Female, 20's to 30's. Prefer soft sultry voice. Can be British or American, although I prefer American. This part definitely has some humorous lines so I need someone who can be funny.)

Line 1) "Well handsome, I only provide one kind of service here, and information ain't it. Besides, I never kiss and tell."

Line 2) "What you see is what you get with me, sugar. So if you're not interested in my... company, I suggest you go to the bar and leave me be."

These can range from very small roles of 10 lines or so, to mid sized roles with 30 to 50 lines. *this is an approximation

Joto "(Male Khajiit recruit guard, 20-30 lines*) Formerly a guard and sailor who decided he didn't like the way he was being mistreated on his last ship.

Line 1) "Joto served many years aboard ships from Elsweyr as deck hand and guard. Joto has many stories he could tell of wondrous places he has seen."

Line 2) "The Hunter is skilled in the sword and the bow. Joto likes the night. Stars very pretty in Skyrim. Joto sees better at night, can be very sneaky then."

Wanan-Dun - (Male Argonian recruit guard, 20-30 lines*) Came to Riften on the advice of other Argonians there. (There are several in Riften.) But now he can't find work.

Line 1) "As you can see, there are many of my kind here in this town. They all said a€?come to Riften and make yourself a new life here.a€? So, Wanan-Dun comes."

Line 2) "And for what? There is nothing for me here. What would Wanan-Dun do? Work in the fishery? Join the thieves? I'm not a thief, and I hate fish."

Kindrick - (Male Breton recruit guard, 20-30 lines* DEFINITELY want Scottish or Irish if I can, British would be 3rd choice) Kindrick is sort of an homage to the a€?Living in Oblivion/Skyrim" series. He basically comes from a family that no one ever did anything exciting, went on any adventures or explored. He want's to be the first to do these things.

Line 1) "I come from a long line of boring non-adventurers, all the way back to my Great-Great grandfather Nondrick."

Line 2) "The most exciting thing he ever did was pick flowers and get chased by a wolf. But I want to be the first to break that tradition!"

Sorian - (Male Redguard recruit guard, 20-30 lines*, prefer African American if possible or a black European if you can do an American accent, but a deep American accent would be 3nd choice) Sorian and his sister Orianthi (below) are in Skyrim on a mission to locate a woman who is rumored to be a traitor. (This is one of the vanilla quests in the game.) They both have decided to stay in Skyrim and are looking for work.

Line 1) "We both are excellent swordsmen and specialize in stealth, quickness and accuracy. Orianthi is also a very skillful archer."

Line 2) "We came from Hammerfell on a mission to find a woman here in Skyrim. You've probably seen more of my countrymen around."

Orianthi - (Female Redguard recruit guard, 20-30 lines* I know female talent is hard to find so I'm open to about any style for her, but prefer American.)

Line 1) "We learned to fight from our older brother when we were children. Sorian and I were just 8 and 10 during the war in Hammerfell."?

Line 2) "The Dominion killed my mother and father and we had to run and hide in the fields to escape. After that we had to fend for ourselves however we could."

Herd - (Male Nord recruit guard early 20's, 20-30 lines*) Herd has always been bullied and picked on because compared to most other Nords he's very small.

Line 1) "I want to be a warrior like the great Nords throughout history. It's just that no one has ever believed in me. They say warriors aren't supposed to be little."

Line 2) "But they don't understand that small also means quick and agile. Light on your feet and stealthy!"

Patsy - (Male Imperial a€“ 60's, British, Scottish, Irish.) Patsy has been a loyal servant/assistant to Marcus Jannus for over 20 years. He is the first person the player meets in my mod, and delivers a note asking the player to go and meet with Marcus. He will also be a taxidermist later on in the story. (He will make stuffed trophies of some of the creatures in Skyrim for the player)

Line 1) "By the Nine! I can't believe it's you! I was just asking around if anyone knew where I might find you!"

Line 2) "My Master and I recently arrived here in Skyrim from Cyrodiil. It's been a long journey, and he sent me to see if I could find you."

Halindil - Altmer (elf race, 30's to 40's in age, haughty and arrogant British accent. Roughly 20 lines) He is an administrator at a prison.

Line 1) "Or what? You think you can intimidate me? I am a Thalmor Justiciar and I am not intimidated easily."

Line 2) "You take me for a fool? You don't think I can sniff out a spy when I see one. We're going to have a lot of fun with you downstairs!"

Oronar - Altmer (elf race, 30's to 40's in age, haughty and arrogant British accent. Roughly 10 lines) He is an assistant to the administrator at a prison. (see Halindil above)

Line 1) "My Lord, there is an envoy here who appears to have orders for a prisoner transfer from Elenwen herself. What should I do?a€? (line spoken to Halindil)

Gaenor - Altmer (elf race, 30's to 40's in age, haughty and arrogant British accent. Roughly 10 lines) He is the resident torturer at the prison who likes his job a little too much!

Line 1) "No, I'm not going to kill you. He he he, first I'm going to slice you a little bit by a little bit. Then, I'm going to make you eat your own flesh, ha, ha he, ha."? (sinister laughing)

Line 2) "Then, I'm going to let some skeevers in to have a little lunch with you. Ha ha he ha.. (more sinister laughing)

Maenen - Altmer (elf race, 30's to 40's in age, haughty and arrogant British accent. Roughly 15 lines or so)

Line 1) "I don't know exactly where he is, but I know they smuggle the product out of Skyrim from an old shipwreck on the coast northwest of here."

Line 2) "I heard they use an old frozen cave to hold the product, and then use boats to transfer them out to one of their ships at night."

Shadrick Oaken-Heart - Nord Male, 40's to 50's, He is another old friend of Marcus and Valerius who you have to help rescue two of his men. In return he brings his men to Helgen to help guard the town.

Line 1) "Guards you say? A small troop should do. I could convince Ulfric to send them, but before I help you, I need you to help me."

Line 2) "Perhaps this is my chance to get back in the good graces of whatever superiors I've offended. You help me, I help you. Deal?"

Falco - Male Imperial, 30's to 50's. Any accent should be fine for him. He's another of Valerius' guards. (In this scene the player has taken Cienna and Falco to the prison where Korst is being held captive. After his successful rescue there is a brief conversation. Korst basically asks "what the hell they're doing there."

Line 1) "You didn't think we were going to let you rot in here did you? Valerius sent us to find you."

[Korst asks who the stranger (the player) is?]

Line 1) "A traveller and a new friend of Marcus Jannus. Korst, you wona€?t believe it. Marcus is in Skyrim!"

Cienna Jervette - Breton Female 20's to 30's, she is a loyal guard to Valerius and will open a shop in town when it's built to sell weapons and armor. If I get enough female auditions I would like to greatly expand this role.

Goreu - Breton Male 30's to 40's, can be any accent. He is the guy at the fight cave who pays you your earnings.

Line 1) "Yes of course, you certainly earned this. Right then, 250 gold for a Mirmadon match. Well done!"

Line 2) "And might I say you fought well. Well enough in fact that I hope you will fight more."

Other than these, there are a couple of other minor characters with more of less generic dialog. Depending on the amount of auditions, I figure I can get these roles filled as we go along.

Altan guard
Guunlaug Bandit slave trader
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yessenia hermosillo
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Post » Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:31 am

Wow I watched the videos and I am very excited for this, it looks great. I'm not a voice actor or anything but I just wanted to say how great it looks and I'm very surprised nobody has commented on it! So heres a bump for you.
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Post » Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:29 am

I shall be sending you my aural resume, mon capitan!

I really like the idea here, and things are looking great so far. Bravo!
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Hannah Whitlock
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Post » Fri Jun 14, 2013 3:33 am

i believe i had your mod listed in the thread on my siggy
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Post » Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:57 pm

Thanks guys. I especially need female actors if anyone knows any or has any ideas.
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Fri Jun 14, 2013 2:11 pm

Well, quite the breadth of characters there! I' m Scottish, and personally I don't know why there aren't more Scottish accented characters in Skyrim. Although at 21, I'm not sure i could replicate a 50 year old.
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Fri Jun 14, 2013 4:15 pm

Right, I just sent you a couple of audition files for two of the minor characters. The mod is looking superb so far.
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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:23 pm

Well, sadly my microphone isn't working. Not sure it would have been the best quality even if it were. Perhaps if I make it out to my relative's place, I think they have a music system with an older telefunken (sp) but otherwise, I wish you the best of luck getting recruits.
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Post » Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:33 am

Hey guys. If you're still looking for voice actors, I'd like to try out. PM me for a link to my demo reel (the forum won't let me post links :( )

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Marnesia Steele
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