ColdHarbour - research question before I commit

Post » Fri Jun 14, 2013 11:59 am

Some time back I started development on doing ColdHarbour - worldspace, terrain editing, lod, climate, etc. But got very distracted in updates for the Vampire Slavers Den and put the thing aside. Now the Vampire Slavers Den is advlt and is very far from family value entertainment even my mod partner is a little squeamish about some of the things in it (or the yet to be released version).

He got a little bit of a shock when I informed him about what Molag Bal and Coldharbour is about and expressed reservations if too much hard core stuff was placed in it so I want to guage peoples opinions on what they would find acceptable or over the top?

So I would like peoples thoughts about just how heavy to make it, and what content should be in it.

Also I will most likely need a team to pull this off, I already have my mod partner (provided it's not too heavy) and a music/audio specialist who has also helped with the Den already, but most likely I will be needing other people definetly someone who knows their way around 3DS Max or other 3D programs. I'm not saying that I'm about to commit straight away as I'm neck deep in other mod development at the moment and it depends how long before I'm finished all that before I begin.


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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:36 am

Perhaps odd ruins -- soul anchors from ESO (if memory serves, he is the guy that invaded?)

Gang fights, to establish who is the most dominate gang

Champion encounter - An all around unpleasant person, who beats people with a rusty mace.

Easter eggs. LIke there is a book about a mage that traveled to cold harbor briefly, perhaps a note on the ground.


Vampire initiation ritual, its hinted at in Dawnguard.

If your up for a challenge, perhaps adding in a rank system to cold harbor. You start off at a bottom rung of their society, and as you kill/quest your status improves. Like leading a gang, and collecting tribute from your various slaves. Or at higher ranks, being able to decree various and unpleasant laws or taxes.

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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Fri Jun 14, 2013 3:46 pm

Let me put it this way, usually you don't need advlt content. I find that, like, 90% of advlt content usage in games in unneeded and contrived. There for the sake of being there.

Bethesda's games - Could possibly go a bit further, but I think they do a nice job. They reference six, but never actually show it, or even come close. They swear frequently with some characters (Jericho in FO3), but their games aren't 90% profane words.

Rockstar's Games (GTA) - I think these games frequently go way to far and the developers get a huge kick out of having an insane amount of advlt content for the sake of having it. Their goal is to make things more perverse and 'unacceptable' in every way shape and form. Saints Row also does this, I love the game but it just pushes the limits for no apparent reason in so many places.

Try for something in between? You don't have to be quite as restricted as Bethesda, but I'd rather not have your mod be entirely nudity, six, swearing and over the top violence. It usually detracts from the other areas of the content and ruins things.

Hopefully that's what you meant, family value entertainment and whatnot. :P

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sally coker
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