Altmer - Faralda and Ondolemar
Argonian - None, I don't deal with them much. I'll just say Darkeetus since that's the only one I remember.
Bosmer - Malborn and... are there any female Bosmer in the game? There's that one who works for Pelagia but she has no dialogue.
Breton - Delvin Mallory and Vivienne Onis
Dunmer - Neloth and Dreyla Alor (one of my favorite voices in the game)
Imperial - General Tullius and Vex
Nord - Super hard to pick given their large amount. I think I'll go with Ralof and.. I don't know.
Redguard - Isran (I can't think of any cool Redguard ladies)
Khajiit - Kharjo and that female caravan leader.
Orsimer - That College library keeper. Can't say for the ladies, I rarely deal with Orcs