Did you grant him his wish for a worthy death in battle?
I did, I met him for the first time on my 3rd play through (and current), a stealth archer who wields 2 scimitars when needed. I gave him a sword battle to the death.
Did you grant him his wish for a worthy death in battle?
I did, I met him for the first time on my 3rd play through (and current), a stealth archer who wields 2 scimitars when needed. I gave him a sword battle to the death.
I tend to grant his wish, when I come across him. Nice throwback to Umbra in Morrowind, that one.
I tried but every time he went on his knees he was begging for his life...
When he went up I used a knife to cut him a few times until he went on his knees again,did this atleast 6 times until I killed him with Molag Bals mace.
The first time I came across him, he gave me such a beating!
I gave him a worthy death all right. A battle he'll never forget.
*summons Dremora Lord*
There's your honorable battle. Thank me later.
I did it the first time. Now, I just leave them to wander the world looking for death. I figure after a couple of miles, they will realize that their customs about this are banol, and will move to Cyrodill and set up a book shop.
I always give him an honorable death, it's the way of the warrior. I ran into him with my pure mage who has no warrior skills but happened to have an elven sword in his loot to sell so I dueled him to the death with it although it almost cost my Altmer wizard his life.
Usually not. Many of my characters have gotten so powerful, it feels like clubbing a baby seal to death.
As a roleplayer it depends on the character. Some characters grant him an honorable death, some refuse, some do not talk to him.
The funny thing about this particular encounter is that the Old Orc and the two dead sabre cats never actually despawn; once you stumble upon him, he will forever remain wherever you found him. He's very patient about waiting for his good death, I'll give him that much.
I only kill him with characters that dabble in necromancy, since his corpse is permanent and he makes for a decent dead thrall.
I like giving him a good fight. Even if I could just chop his head off in one go, I like to make it a long battle. Blocking, dodging, all that.