1) I just started this game and I wanted to make a spell-caster that looked kind of human so I made an imperial. I want to make sort of a mix between a mage and a necromancer or something. Does it matter that I don't have any racial power to increase my mana that the high elfs and Bretons have or will that only be a smaller drawback? It's not a big deal to restart as I'm only lvl 2, but I like the look of my char and would like to keep her unless it will be a major drawback some 50-100++ hours down the game.
2) Also atm spell-casting isn't going very well. I got 2 spells + one I found from a book. The problem is 2 fold. One is that I seem to do a lot more dmg swinging a 2H axe (21 dmg) then I do casting my dmg spell. Also with an axe I don't risk running out of mana. Is this something that will correct itself later? Because both lower dmg and a risk of running out of mana seem to make spellcasting not very viable at the early state of the game, but I can live with that if it picks up in not to long. (my 2h skill is my highest skill atm)
3) Also I tried shooting a bit on deer and stuff, but that doesn't seem very powerful either, probably because I tend to miss a lot. Is there a good way to make you better at aiming at moving targets that I haven't figured out yet?
4) Wandering away half on random and half quest driven I apparently joined a faction that is the fighting faction. Can I also still be in the spellcaster faction or do I have to choose?.
5) Atm I'm saving up money to buy a horse. But where will that horse be when I don't need it? Can someone come and just steal it?
6) Are the addons worth it? They sound pretty good, and i always wanted another game than sims that allows me to build my own house, but I heard there is a lot of bugs with them. Is that a big problem?
6 Is the other addons focused mainly on high lvl stuff(making them a bit useless atm), or does it have something for low lvls too?
7) How do you mine ore? I figured you need a pickaxe, wich I haven't found yet, but I haven't seen anything that resembles ore yet. I have found and picked a lot of flowers, some butterflies and food though.
8) Is there any point in resting? I slept a few houers in a bed ad it said my charakter was rested. Do i get some buff for that, and if so does it depend on how log I've been resting?
8) Is there any benefit of wearing lighter armor over heavy(expect more room in your bags)? Or is it just that if you're a spellcaster most armor is light and not heavy so you don't really have a choise?
Hope someone can help a newbie out.