What I want to do is actually very easy to understand: The player is riding a horse in a cell; then I want to move him along with the horse into another cell.
This is what I've tried:
- Linking doors and using "Door.Activate(Player)" -> Nothing Happens
- Calling "MoveTo()" on the Player -> It apparently works, except that the screen turns black and the controls become useless
- Calling "MoveTo()" on the Horse -> The Player gets to float high above the previous location. You get a nice view, but the game becomes unplayable
- Using "Game.FastTravel(xMarker)" -> You are transported to the exact location you already are, making the hole affair pretty pointless
That's pretty much it. They say horses are too dumb to ride on stairs, but the facts seems to indicate they are too dumb to ride through gates
ANY insight would be greatly appreciated.