No I have the same problem except i can only play warriors. whenever i use sneak charathers they become overpowered too quickly and i just cant get into magic.
I am currently trying a Spellsword but we'll see how that goes.
You can play anything you want and no one can't say you are playing the game wrong, as stated above.
Nah! Thieves, assassins, archers etc. I'm getting into a heavy armored warrior without sneak and am enjoying it but it's a different flavor. Stealth is a perfectly legitimate play style.
A stealth character can EASILY become OP which is why I don't buy the squishy idea. It takes more thought to me than just charging in with heavy armor and a two handed weapon berserker style while screaming "For Sovngarde!"
In contrast a stealth character can take out an enemy camp without them knowing what the heck has happened. There's no squishiness involved in that, it's called finding your enemy's weakness and exploiting it. And that type of thinking gave rise to "The Art of War."
Stealth is a very easy way to play the game, you completely dismiss a lot of epic battles with a quick slash on the back.
Stealth at the beginning of the game however is very fun, you actually have to sneak slowly, plan your arrow shots and escape routes for detection and wear light gear (in a lot of cases naked).
If all skyrim stealth was as hard as it is when you just start off it would be a challenging and fun play style.
Nothing odd about it all. I, for example, can't play a character without throwing in some conjuration.
Im the same way, I love Sneak..
If I am going to attack a Fort, I actually plan my assault really well based on my Sneak skill..
"Well, we have Archers in that Tower, and doors to the interior here and here.... If I use Telekinesis to throw that Object there, the distraction will allow me to get to the tower Unnoticed.. I can then Kill that archer with my dagger, and start firing off arrows at the rest of the fort....that will give me roughly 160seconds until the first wave climbs the tower...."
i find it fun when these attack plans go as I planned them, But I also enjoy when they go wrong..
I hated playing mages, until I gave them a real go in Skyrim. Not so long ago, I hated playing two handed weapons, until I tried them with a recent character. Etc. I don't think the problem is with you or with the game; if you feel good playing only sneaky characters, so be it.
Each person has their own unique taste at what suits them.
OP maybe mages are just not fun for you to play as.
I refuse to use two handed warriors I hate the huge weapon warriors in TES cannot get into them at all they just bore me to death, so I never play as one.
Exactly what I used to think until recently. I apparently found the right character; she uses two handed swords only though, they are lighter and faster than these dummy hammers.
It could very well be the character I just have never gotten into it so I gave up on it. It just does not feel right for me I just have a prejudice against those big weapons.
I was looking for something short and sweet; this quote will do.