Age and Deceit will always triumph over Youth and Confidence. Young Dragonborn, Could You get My Ring from that Pond? I am afraid to get wet because I am an entertainer from Haelgas Bunkhouse, and I am expected at an event....
Age and Deceit will always triumph over Youth and Confidence. Young Dragonborn, Could You get My Ring from that Pond? I am afraid to get wet because I am an entertainer from Haelgas Bunkhouse, and I am expected at an event....
is he? hmm... been years since I've played Redguard...
Yet it means nothing in this discussion because its function doesn't do anything for power. All it did was allow you to defeat umaril in a location pelinal couldn't go. Thats it. Its not like coc could beat pelinal because of it. So really its a "whoopdy doo" situation here.
we could go by achievements, but that would not help with the problem of them actually being able to fight, since they can do the same thing with all possible skills.
and with this, lets drop this, as achievements mean nothing to determine power and ability to survive in battle.
it'd make the most sense IMO, as they all have the potential to be uber powerful assassin/mage/warrior, so that sorta cancels out
Dovahkiin saves the entire Kalpa...I dont think deeds is an accurate judgement to go off of. It doesn't show who can beat who.
by defeating alduin, who they've actually slain is a good starting point for determining how powerful the individual is, nothing else has actually made valuable progress to this discussion thus far
and in 3rd era Morrowind or Cyrodiil, the LDB would have no knowledge and could easily be assassinated by someone other the Nerevarine or CoC.
Drop it as there is nothing but "DOVAHKIIN WINS!" here.
That is the worst argument I've ever heard.
and CoC Saved an entire Realm of Oblivion (By Defeating Jyggalag, who is arguably one of the most Powerful Daedric Princes (He was cursed into Sheogorath because the other Princes Feared his power).
and Nerevarine saved..... Its been awhile since I played Morrowind, what did Nerevarine save again...?
and this fight could take place anywhere as there is absolutely nothing to say it was in 4th era Skyrim.
Still, going by WHAT WE DO KNOW, the automatic winner is DOVAHKIIN as he/she is the only one that has anything CANON to be used in combat.
face it, there is no fight because the others are only heroes because of Skills they might or might not have. Without those "non-canon" skills/equipment, they cannot fight, so default victory goes to LDB.
In a vs discussion it doesn't matter. We go by the assumption that they know what they knew in their prime...This is obvious. As for your last point, thats what I've been saying all along. Thats why LDB wins.
A kalpa includes everything including Shivering Isles.
you're looking into this way too much, we just assume that all three have equal skill in melee, magic ect,as there is nothing to suggest otherwise, and it's perfectly viable for each one to master X skill in combat, because of this, it renders that part useless, and victory comes down to a certain 'x-factor'
The Nerevarine: Moon & Star and a whole bunch of stuff during the Main Quest including a pair or pants that was enchanted with the ability to fly LOL. CoC: the Crusaders Relics and hundreds of Sigil Stones.
so, do we just assume that the Dragonborn wins because he can shout, despite that he/she can get killed without getting a shout off (Via assassination)?
the assassination argument can be applied to all of them
and theres more to the x-factor than certain abilities, such as artifacts said individual also possess (canonically)#
bottom line is, it's all down to opinion, this discussion has been fruitless (but also slightly fun)
Yep because the same would apply to nerevarine via assassination. Plus this is vs as in head on.
there are certain Artifacts the Hero possesses Canonically.
Like CoCs Crusaders relics
Nerevarine has Moon & Star I guess
LDB has.... Auriels Bow...?
Any Artifact the Hero acquires during the MQ, or through the main quest of DLC, must be considered a canon possession.
Not all vs scenarios start head on. They can go direct after a problem with the assassination. The Dovhakiin could be hunting the Nerevarine when the Nerevarine traps him in a cave then disappears again, ending the fight with no fight.
which defeats the point of this thread (if there ever was one)