Daedric armor and Falmer heavy armor.
Daedric armor got that dark elegance when it is worn by a woman, would fit perfectly for my Necromantic warrior.
However, she also uses frost magic. Not sure if the red glow would do. But she has also taken an interest in demons and is able to summon Dremora, so I guess it is still pretty fair to wear this armor. I'm not gonna use a Daedric blade though, I'll stick with ebony, looks more elegant than the Daedric sword. She's also good moraled, so maybe Daedric is a bit too much.
Falmer heavy armor isn't as elegant but it is pretty morbid looking, and it fits the frost destruction. However, elegance plays quite a large role for this character because she is very artistic and poetic by nature.
Yeah I am pretty torn. I'm afraid I am on ps3 so I can not use mods for a blue glow.
I even have the names for the gear that I would enchant.
The blade - Wintersorrow
Chest - Dying heart (Because the heart is located in the chest? I dunno I needed a cool name.)
Gauntlets - Morbid Claws
Boots - Cryptwalker