I think I remember this happens with weapons, is it the same for shields?
Anyone even wonder about this:
If the weapon model scales with the actors, the weapons REACH would be wrong on the weapons, or does the game "change" the weapon reach on to match the scale of the actor?
I know that part of the formula for total reach includes the actor scale but I am sure that is only for the arm reach of the player, not the reach of the weapon.
Mmmmm...this may be one of those things I really do not want to know because it has the potential to throw a monkey wrench into the combat numbers, all the game conditions and scripts.
Then again the REACH of Skyrims weapons are so ridiculously long anyway that this concern may be moot.
Edit: After some quick testing it appears that the shields and weapons DO scale up with the actor. So if say you are twice size of normal, you look down at a sword that looks like a short sword for you, you pick it up it suddenly grows to twice size. And it also appears the reach for hitting an opponent is properly scaled as well from my limited testing but the reach number on the weapon does NOT change.
So combat moders should keep this in mind.