I would contact the Authorities, but I'm not sure what nation he is in...
Could this even be admissible in court as a Confession?
"My character is like me because I'm an archer and a theif"
Anyways, I suppose he's asking how we are similar to the avatar we've created. Well, I made mine look like myself, and I try to play as if I was in the world...
I don't play any characters like me, that's why I play Skyrim.
'Side, dey's gotz no 'lectricities and no interwebs.....can't be like me.
Alduin BoK, sorry was messing with ya. I can have a plan in mind when I create my characters, but during role play it always changes. I don't have that many characters, but I am always thinking "well look at her, that wasn't in the plans." Would be hard to pin them down as any one type.
That's how I roll; I can't play any other way.
A rare exception was when I created an Eowyn tribute character back in my Morrowind daze. I'm considering a Mystique tribute character, because it was fun playing a female character who looked good in everything
My character being like me..well yeah, but I've never killed a dragon before, assassinated an Emperor, became master of the Thieves' Guild, became Archmage, a Werewolf, a Vampire, a Vampire Hunter, used Shouts, or even seen the actual Skyrim in person. That really narrows it down to just the looks of my character and the morals I give him.
I'm like all my characters because all my characters are awesome.
And I can thu'um.
I have a burning, unrivaled love for tumblr.
I'm like none of my characters because the one I resembled the most I accidentally removed yesterday. 20 hours out of the window! My two other Altmer characters are female so they are a no-go, and my Nord I can't relate with since I don't like those illiterate, savage Nords at all.
Of NPCs I think I most would relate with Ondolemar. Yes, the inquisitor who thinks he is better than you. Yes, I would totally like to live like that, although I'd leave the torture stuff and all for someone else.
Out of my character's?
Probably my Imperial Archer. I hunt, so that's similar.
As far as NPC's... a Khajiit? I'm a tiger... so that's close.