Hey guys, I'm trying to keep track of how many ingredients the player has harvested, but it seems Ingredients Harvested doesn't fire any events. It might be one of those http://www.creationkit.com/OnTrackedStatsEvent_-_Form that doesn't do that.
Any way, is there a simple workaround for this? I can set up a system to do it, however it would probably add more overhead than I'm comfortable with (with how I'm thinking of doing it).
Anyone managed to do this?
FYI, I've tried story manager Player Add Item but I can't seem to get it to work when you harvest something, only when an ingredient is added. OldContainer is part of the event data, however it doesn't count Flora or Trees (as far as I've been able to test).
The way I'm thinking of doing it, is setting up a SM Event for Player Add Item, but in the launched quest run a check on how many ingredients have been harvested against the previous count. However, as I said, that event will fire whenever the player picks up an ingredient. And the script needs to be fast.