Is it possible to buy Dragonbone weapons or find them in random loot?
I really don't feel like getting my smithing to 100.
Is it possible to buy Dragonbone weapons or find them in random loot?
I really don't feel like getting my smithing to 100.
Im not sure about buying them, but I do know that when you start to get higher up in level you will start finding pieces of the armor throughout Skyrim, in dungeons as random loot. Not sure about the weapons though.
I agree. You'll get them much faster if you just level your smithing.
I think I read in other threads that it only took some people about an hour to get their smithing up to 100. Alot faster than the other alternative.
wouldn't it have been cool if one of the dragons in skyrim had armor on? like ebony armor plates? that would've been an interesting easter egg, like the ebony warrior
I vaguely remember finding a piece of Dragonbone chest armor. I may be remembering it wrong and mistaking it for something else but you may be able to find it from loot. Buying, however, is a no go.
if you have dawnguard ..
Alright i guess i'll start smithing. Thanks guys
He has Dawnguard, otherwise he couldn't access the Dragonbone weapons
As for the spoiler, they only carry them at higher levels...I recently fought them on a character who was around level 20 and they had iron weapons which felt like such a ripoff as I was expecting Dragonbone
iron?! well [censored], the mighty keepers of the soul cairn with their fearsome iron weapons