[REL] Model Manager

Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:31 pm

Got bored of working on my http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1463265-wip-abilities-plus/ so I made a mod for handling armor/weapon model mods.


Swap between different weapon/armor models on the fly via an MCMenu.
Store your favorite Weapon/Armor model mods in a single esp
Have better compatibility than most traditional weapon/armor mods.

The code's pretty simple, and I left the source code open.
Feel free to look at it, copy it, or whatever. I think more weapon/armor model mods should allow toggling/swapping of their art files via MCMenu.
Because it's more flexible and has better compatibility and all that good stuff.
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Camden Unglesbee
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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:26 pm

OOo handy! I get that issue, I have Unique Uniques and Immersive Weapons. The problem is not really knowing what's being overwritten and what's not and sometimes there happens to not be a screenshot for that particular model.

But it still requires you to make custom compatibility with all the different retexture/remesh mods right? Is there a possibility that a generated SkyProc patch or something could handle the different mods that users use, without requiring you to have to update the list of compatible mods?

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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:53 pm

its a bit more complicated than that unfortunately, otherwise I would have simply made it a skyproc patcher.

problem #1 is skyproc doesn't dynamically create papyrus code, which is necessary for the menu.

#2 different mods implement new meshes and textures in vastly different ways.

I wonder mator could help though, Idk what exactly a tes5edit script could do. Hopefully it could at least streamline the process of adding new compatible mods. I should probably ask if he can help.
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