Hi so iwas thining about fallout a few dayts ago (in perticuler the combat) now I love fallout but i have a gripe with the real tiome combat. using the pip boy targeting is good don't get me wrong it's impressive but I would love to have aoptin to fight a bit like oen would fight ina FPS so for exapaela hit or miss is based on your real skill if you really wan't to leval up in a kind of gun shouly you could like decrease lode times and recoile and the tiem beween each shot so as to really drive it hiome ehre is an example
Player: leval 1
Gun: pistol
Relode time: 10 seconds
recoil: deflection 5%
time untl nect shot 1sec
now the players skill with the gun is down to him he could in theroy get 100% accurcy al leval 1 and as he used that gun his skill increases so as tiem progreeses he levals up so lets fast fored to leval 10
Player: leval 10
Gun: pistol
Relode time: 1 seconds
recoil: deflection 0%
time untl nexct shot 0.3 sec
the power of the gun is the same bullits do as much damage at leval 1 then at leval 10 so it's mire of an FPS stle combat but apart from that I love how the rest of the game works as an RPG it is sublime the only thing bringig it down is the combat in my eyes