If anybody's read Raymond E. Feist's Riftwar Saga, you would know that there was once a race of beings called the Valheru. They were the ones who created the Elves and resembled a 'human with Elven-like ears and eyes and the burliness in the chest of a dwarf'. These beings, before they disappeared in the Gods Wars (They tried to contest the gods) they rode dragons, dominated all life around them and forged their own immensely powerful and magical weapons and armour.
In the first book, Magician, **SPOILER** Tomas, one character, is given the armour by a dying dragon, the armour of Ashen-Shugar, a Valheru lord with revolutionary ideologies on life and morals (which the Valheru had none of) The first notable difference the armour makes is the ability to see in the dark. Eventually, he slowly begins to change. He becomes taller, his body larger and more muscular and his features chiselled with the delicate Elven touch.
So I decided to go on a similar path.
Like most Valheru, Ashen-Shugar created and destroyed. He met (and killed) a Valheru who created the tiger people of the deep south. Basically, Khajiits. His armour was trimmed with unknown metals which gave it a tiger print, and that was his 'banner', if this helps you understand the Valheru.
Because my character lives on the world of Nirn, I decided that his desire would be Oblivion. So, Daedric armour would be the go-to armour for him. He is himself not a Valheru, but like Tomas, he discovered its power and let it change him.
The armour is heavily enchanted with the best perks and enchantments going, increasing health, magicka and his skills in combat. His sword leeches life force and freezes his opponent, while his war axe burns and electrocutes.
Tomas underwent mental changes, too. The innocent boy had to contend with the will of the Dragon Lord's unlimited evil malice. Eventually, Tomas won, and kept the Valheru power and his own mind. My character was not so lucky. The armour and weapons changed him, even when he wasn't wearing them. He slaughtered innocents who got in his way, and ruled over the Tamriellic dragons with an evil not seen since the birth of Alduin, who he easily slew as feeble competition.
Only with the help of Elven Spellweavers and gifts from the Daedra that Boden (my character) had become allies with, did he turn around. He now, like Tomas, kept the Valheru's might and his own personality, changing his views on life. He hid the Daedric artefacts deep in the earth, and purged the world of whatever evil he could.
However, the tug of the seductive evil powers is still there, and not a day goes by when he is tempted greatly to join his new kin in the cosmos, continuing their battle against whatever gods they stumble across. He knows it is only a matter of time before the Valheru break into Mundas, and even Oblivion. He prepares for this day, arming the people of Skyrim with the gifts of knowledge brought on by the armour of Alies-Hundak. When the Valheru one day arrive, Tamriel may not be ready to defend their home, but with a little luck, strong enough to hold them off long enough for a miracle...