I keep giving my daughter, Lucia daggers as gifts.
I keep giving my daughter, Lucia daggers as gifts.
So? You live in a harsh land in the middle of a civil war, she needs to learn to protect herself.
On the contrary, that's good parenting...the sooner she learns how to protect herself, the better. She has to be at least 10, time to put the dolls down and pick up the daggers
Agreed, no matter what culture you come from, you have to teach them to protect themselves, and that's good parenting.
They need something to protect themselves if there is a random vampire or dragon attack. After I made my own Stalhrim mace I made a Stalhrim dagger for Sofie, I bet all the guards with their iron and steel weapons envy my daughter.
haha we definitely think alike as my Nord forged a Nord Hero Waraxe for his Lucia only to find out that she only accepts daggers...clearly she's adopted for not accepting an axe
Hear, hear! In a land where half the warriors are women and the houses are subject to bandit, dragon or (Fill in any type of encounter) raids it behooves a quick witted parent to teach he younglings how to survive. Especially if you give them daggers enchanted with fear. My daughters wear the practice dummies out with them. If they have that much fun it can't be bad ... right?
I agree.
However, I disagree on the "the sooner the better" part. I think 10 is a little early to do that, and especially when I consider that the childs are adopted and had a rough life until recently.
Give them a little bit of a rest and don't make them worry about bad stuff for a while.
I also spoil the child rotten, but I make her do her chores all the time lol
She better like her allowance of 1000 gold.
My thief did that too.
Lucia: "Dad, you're home! Did you bring something?"
Arkas: "Uhm..." *looks at the Legendary Glass Dagger he happens to carry* "Here you go, kid! Have fun!"
A couple of weeks later:
Samuel: "Dad, you're home! Did you bring something?" (And we all heard the hidden meaning: "How come I don't have a dagger when Lucia has one?")
Arkas: "Uhm..." *looks at the Legendary Ebony Dagger he happens to carry* "Here you go, son! Have fun!"
Yes. You should be giving her swords instead.
When my character is getting a child she will give him/her an enchanted dagger that absorbs health.
You're a fine daddy.
Give her a Scimitar if you're a Redguard. But no, you're not a bad dad, so long as you treat your kids right and don't come home drunk off of mead or tripping on Skooma and moon sugar.
Plus, don't you know that the earlier you teach your kids, the better? Just look at the Spartans from Greece, or my personal favorite, http://www.gamewallpapers.us/wallpapers/halo-3/spartan.jpg. They were taught how to fire a weapon at the age of six, so ten really isn't that bad if you compare your kids to the 150 Spartan II recruits.
Not as bad as me TS. I only come back to meticulously arrange new junk that I've brought home and chat up the fellow vampire and/or cannibal living in the house. I tried to give the little tyke a teddy once but it was covered in blood.
I mean, really, that assassin armor just has no storage space whatsoever.
I have heard that your children will fight enemies if they have a dagger and are outside during something like a wolf attack. Some have claimed their child did a killmove on a dragon with a legendary wooden sword LOL!