[WIPz] Imperial Forts of the 2nd Era + Other Stuff

Post » Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:16 pm

I like some of the stuff that Elder Scrolls Online is making, and between that and other assets I initially was planning on as Imperial Dungeon expansion asset, I've decided that I might as well take it one step further and make a full tileset. Of course, being that it's for http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/forum/142-return-to-morrowind/, I've decided to use a name that I feel is highly appropriate:


The Firewatch set is named from the imperial city found in Elder Scrolls Arena found east across the inner sea from Vos/Tel Vos/Tel Mora. It's also a Beyond Skyrim exclusive. Will it be released for general modding? Maybe someday - I haven't decided.

  • The Exterior facade is scaled along the same lines as the Dwemer Facade in TES5.
  • Overall, the scale of the Elder Scrolls Online style assets is probably somewhere around 1/2 of what it appears as in TESO. It's an estimate, though, and not everything is scaled quite evenly.
  • TESO-based assets are similar, but intentionally not exact to what Zenimax Online is make.
    • No, I do not have access to TESO game assets. I designed these new ones based off of screenshots, some of them from Youtube videos.
  • The walls are scaled to the same size as the imperial dungeon exterior walls. They were originally meant to be a scaled down version of the Bulwark from Dragonborn (new models, old textures), but I'm working on cycling those DLC02 textures out so that other Beyond Skyrim province mods will be able to use these
  • Separate crenelation pieces have been created based off of Fort Dawnguard's crenelations.

Probably...I dunno, half done with the exterior models. Haven't started on the interior, yet, but I'm leaning towards blending TES4's forts with Castle Dawnguard's interior style.

All the province mods for http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/forum/119-beyond-skyrim/ are recruiting. http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1463660-wipz-announcing-beyond-skyrim-high-rock/ and http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1463683-wipz-announcing-beyond-skyrim-cyrodiil/ just released full announcements, something that I'm not quite willing to do with Morrowind, but I do feel like showing off a little bit of my hard work. :D

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Heather Stewart
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