Long time Crysis fan, but I've been deep in other multiplayer games lately so I waited for C3 to go on sale on Origin before purchasing. I bought it over the weekend on the $20 sale, and played it for a few hours. All I can say is WOW. This is the most gorgeous game I have EVER seen, and in full Nvidia 3D Vision with everything maxed, it's absolutely incredible. THIS is the game I've been waiting for to test my system! I have a 980x juiced to 5.0ghz, with tri-sli GTX 680s, and this is the FIRST game that gives me stuttering fps from time to time. LOVE IT!! This is how PC games are supposed to be in my opinion, pushing the envelope and not using some 10 year old engine. What an incredible 3D experience, I couldn't be happier. Well whatever, I'm sure this isn't news to most of you, but I just had to sound off somewhere on how great this game looks. ;P