Rotating multiple items as one

Post » Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:15 am

I'll start by saying I'm very new to this so apologies for the very basic, how does the creation kit work question!

Is it possible to rotate multiple objects at the same time (as a unit as it were) WITHOUT using the gizmo.

I am aware that I can select my group by holding down Ctrl and that I can rotate as I want using the rotation gizmo linked to the W key, however even when not bound to the grid the jumps in angle this produces can be much larger than required foe fine positioning.

I usually achieve my fine positioning by moving a degree or half degree at a time in the Edit menu but as far as I can tell there is no way to do this for multiple objects as a unit.

Fine rotating all the individual parts of something like a weapon rack and then painstakingly realigning them all off grid is a HUGE pain in the ass.

I suspect there isn't but I thought I'd ask because it would save me a lot of time!

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Post » Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:33 pm

you can right click the render window, go to render window properties, go to the movement tab and set what kind of grid you want to set. its usually 128 for grid and 45 for angle.

You can hit Q to disable and enable snap to grid and Ctrl + Q to do the same for the snap to angle, there are also red button boxes at the top of the ck line with all the boxes.

You can hold down the right mouse button to rotate your selection. W for the rotate gizmo, E for the XYZ gizmo, D to deselect your selection.

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