Seriously, what the [censored]? I waited for like three days in the Jorvaskr and they're still at the damn tomb. Then I went back to the tomb, recruited all of them (I have the Ultimate Follower Overhaul so I can recruit multiple people) and separated in the Jorvaskr but then they went back to the [censored] tomb. Is there a console command I can use which makes it where they go back to the Jorvaskr and continue their daily routine while still acknowledging that I'm the Harbinger? I just reverted back to a save right after I exited the Jorvaskr after finishing the quest. But I'd still like a console command to rectify this if possible, just in case they aren't back after I get some questing done.
This is honestly just annoying, Bethesda really needs to get their [censored] together when it comes to programming, its like they have the best designers but the worse programmers in the industry, its like SOE and Planetside 2.