Hello everyone and anyone reading this!
I have a bunch of questions about Skyrim and gaming in general. There is a summary on the bottom if this is too long to read for some.
I would first like to begin by saying that I'm a college freshman, 19 years old, and am going to start my new classes in the Fall semester. I spent five years at military school, without television or video games lol. I've never played computer games or console games before in my life. Although I have seen and heard about them, they just never were a part of me.
Today I was browsing Youtube, since we recently got internet at our house, and I saw someone posting a video on their Skyrim character. I was impressed, although I had heard of people playing this game, I always thought it was like an MMORPG right? Long story short, I watched his videos, watched some others on the game, and began to get very interested.
This game isn't like Warcraft right? Where I heard you have to play daily for countless hours in order to succeed or get anywhere correct? Is this game private and at your own pace (no internet needed) or are there other players out there in the world? Can they help or hurt me?
Like I said, I have never played video games before, but I want to try Skyrim, specifically for the computer. Are there any free guides online on how to get started? Such as "keybinding" or learning how to travel/use the map? Or where to go when you first start? I'm a clueless noob when it comes to games, and I heard Skyrim is a more advanced game for those starting out.
What are "mods" and "cheats" for this game and how do they work? Are there "addons" that can improve game play or make it easier? Are there guides on how to level up skills, spells, professions, and other important things in the game? I'm a bit OCD and although I want to play, I also want to make sure I play correctly and take advantage of other guides online and help from advanced gamers.
I'm brand new to video games and wanted my first game to play to be Skyrim.
Where can I find guides on how to level up skills/professions in this game?
Can someone help me and explain to me how the map/travel works and how to get a good start at the game?
How can I learn how to play properly and make gold and increase my spells and items? Or where to get them?
Are there any free guides online or websites to help/teach new players?
What is "keybinding" and how can I get "mods" and "addons" and "cheats" to help/make the game better for myself?
Is this game required by internet connection? Or do I play in private and without being bothered by other players?