I've searched for this topic, but could not find anything on it.
I've had access to features in some games that allow one to force a 16:9 aspect ratio while using a 4:3 screen resolution. An example for a use of this would be this:
Using a 16:9 widescreen monitor, but a display of 4:3 800x600 resolution, and forcing the aspect ratio to match 16:9.
I am not asking how to force a 16:9 screen resolution. I am already capable of using resolutions such 1280x720, 1366x768, 1600x900, etc.
I am asking if there is a way in skyrim to force a 16:9 aspect ratio while using a 4:3 screen resolution, such as 800x600, 1024x768, etc.
The advantages of doing this are for performance. If the gpu is displaying a res of, say, 800x600 or 1024x768 on a 16:9 widescreen monitor, then being able to force that 800x600 resolution to display in 16:9 aspect ratio would gain performance due to the low resolution, while maintaining a natural 16:9 aspect ratio without having the stretch effects that are associated with using 4:3 resolutions on widescreen monitors.
As I said, I am capable of using 16:9 resolution, but that is not what I am asking how to force.
Thank you