More Ranting About Spouses, In-Game Marriage, etc.

Post » Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:48 am

So am I the only one who's noticed that spouses and other NPCs can see through walls and would spend all day watching your kid or somebody else on the first floor while they're on the second, through the floor? I mean, moving their head with their movements and everything! Or the other way around (where one just looks like they're looking up at the ceiling for some reason, but hit Detect Life and WHAT ON EARTH IS WITH YOU WEIRDOS?!).

Anyhow, I've spent a couple of months trying out different spouses, like the Dibella Priestess, Njada, and Aela, after only having married Ysolda for the first 1+ year I owned the game (a combination of her cute, naive attitude and...well, she has a house, and that's good early on...). Now I've gone back to Ysolda, since sugar-coating everything is somewhat less annoying than browbeating me.

But day'yum: that woman is dumb. As we speak, I jacked her iron dagger and replaced it with...wait for it...a wooden sword!

Too bad you can't do anything whatsoever to her clothes like with the other female NPCs (even though it'll revert back at some point). That denim dress makes me feel like it's 1991 or something.

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Post » Fri Jun 21, 2013 11:08 am

True, marriage could use some work. But for me, it's like the smallest feature of the game and I hardly ever use it.

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Laura-Jayne Lee
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