Face mods are good if you stay within the character of the NPC in question. Both my Jordis and J'zargo face retextures are just those sorts of lore friendly mods. For example, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25234/? is the Jordis mod I use. I use the one without the tat. Rather than Xbox Jordis with the blocky face she now looks as she should do, like a real woman!
As for armor and weapons, if you RP like me you can easily fit them into your story, if not through quests then you can have your character design and make them him/herself.
But what the OP doesn't take into account is that Beth developed Skyrim with the inferior consoles in mind, and this shows in the finished PC version. All the best mods do is make the most of the PC's power by making Skyrim what it should've been if it was developed primarily for the PC.