Sorry if this is in the wrong spot; I couldn't find the tech area or support area. Feel free to move this, mods/admins, if it's in the wrong spot.
First things first, I'm well aware that I'm an idiot for messing in my full on save game that I've been working hard and legitly on; please don't repeat that fact; I know I'm an idiot, trust me, and I regret what I've done.
But I had figured that I could just load a save and that any player based (not NPC or world based) changes wouldn't be saved; turns out I was wrong. Luckily though, the only thing that got messed up was the jump setting.
I was testing out different jumps and when I got bored, I loaded a save I had prepared but then I realized that, even after loading the save, my character's jump height was still messed up.
I've read online that the default jump is supposed to be 100 but even after setting it to that, my character still seems to be jumping slightly higher than normal. At first I figured this was because the game wasn't rendering the fact that I had items that weighed me down. So I dropped everything I could and then re-picked it all back up but the jump height didn't appear to change at all.
I'm not sure what to do. The only thing that can fix this is if I can somehow reset everything I've done in the console or put in the correct jump height, which I don't know.
Also, is 100 really the default? Am I just seeing things? If not, then what is the default and how can I fix this mess I've gotten into? Please help!