A really interesting thread about dungeon crawling with a stealthy character got me thinking about trying my first stealth character ever. To those of you who've been through this many, many times, please indulge yet another stealth build!
I'll postpone the MQ in Skyrim indefinitely so no Shouts. I have the Dragonborn and Hearthfire DLCs only.
Base of operations will be Honeyside in Riften.
Build details for Master level of difficulty:
* Bosmer (archery +10, all the stealth skills +5)
* Armor limited to leather
* Bow limited to hunting but best available arrow is ok, buying arrows is ok
* Weapons limited to steel or Skyforge steel
* Melee limited to dual wield daggers only
* No shield
Perking skills in the following order of priority:
* Alchemy - Alchemist (5/5 eventually), Physician, Poisoner, ingredients can only be foraged or given by friendly merchants or from the CoW cache, no buying.
* Sneak - through Deadly Aim on the right, all the way to Shadow Warrior on the left
* Archery - Overdraw (5/5 eventually), through Power Shot on the left
* Illusion tree fully
* Light armor - all the way on the left up to Deft Movement
* One handed - Armsman (5/5 eventually), Dual Flurry, Dual Savagery, Fighting Stance, Savage Strike
* Smithing - one perk for basic ability only, but raw materials must be looted, no buying ingots, leather, leather strips etc.
* Enchanting - Enchanter (5/5 eventually), items to disenchant must be looted, no buying weapons or apparel from merchants etc.
* Restoration - 2/2 Recovery and Avoid Death eventually
* Alteration - Up through 3/3 Magic resistance only
Disallowed magic and skills:
* Destruction
* Conjuration (this could be tough, no help from atronachs!?)
* Alteration (allowed for Magic resistance perks)
* Block (gonna really miss this)
* Heavy Armor
* Two Handed
Thanks all.