Hello everyone,
First of all, I know that a lot of people have asked about something similar, however, I can assure you that I spent hours browswing forums in search of a solution for our problem and didn't find one.
We wanted a dragon to get from Point A to Point B by means of AI Packages (This works great), but with the player mounted. One of our 3D artists created a dragon with a functioning saddle bone, however, everytime the AI Packages should start when the player is mounted, I get a message ("You cannot go that way."). I tried to check the "Is Flying" box in the player's race menu, as well as allowing him to fly as well via the script command.
So I saw that there are some mods with mountable, and flyable dragons. But how did they make the dragon fly with the player on it? Is that a feature that becomes enabled with Dragonborn? (We don't use that DLC).
I'd be grateful for every piece of advice!
Thanks in advance,