Ok So I'm making a mod that involves using a shout but instead it's going to be used as a spell. But when I charge up the spell near whiterun the guards come up to me and ask me to stop shouting. How do I make this not seen as a shout?
Ok So I'm making a mod that involves using a shout but instead it's going to be used as a spell. But when I charge up the spell near whiterun the guards come up to me and ask me to stop shouting. How do I make this not seen as a shout?
You create your own spell with the Shout projectile and the delivery set to Voice.
Sorry I couldn't reply sooner my internet when out. I'll try that now
Sorry I tried what you said. I'm not sure on what you mean though. I'm very new to creation kit by the way. but I've already pushed out a mod on the nexus. I have about 4 to 5 days of expirience.
You just duplicate any aimed spell, say the Flames spell and rename.
duplicate the shout magic effect that you want
remove MagicShout keyword
Go to spell that we just made
remove the effects and add the Shout magic effect that we just made
set the Equip Type to Voice
save your mod
use psb in console ingame to test out new spell-shout