Youtube channel: DFValroth (can't post links here)
Hi folks, I’m doing a video series on Skyrim with the mod Requiem. For those who haven’t heard of it, it’s a complete gameplay overhaul aimed at players who want a better sense of progression and challenge. So far I’m finding it a lot of fun. This is essentially a ‘let’s play’ series with a twist, I’ve edited it to remove downtime and add tips.
This is my first one so any comments on the presentation are welcome, I’m sure there is plenty that could be improved. More episodes to follow.
Full mod list:
SkyUI (more intuitive than the standard Skyrim UI)
Unofficial Skyrim Patch
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch
Unofficial HearthFires Patch
Requiem – GoldHasNoWeight (for convenience)
Requiem – Slower Arrows (because archery is ridiculous)
Requiem – NoDragonFearAura (because fear aura makes the screen blurry)
Alternative Start – Live another life (didn’t make use of this though)
Belt-Fastened Quivers (because they look better)
Requiem console tweaks I used:
(press ` ingame and type these lines)
Set REQ_RunningStaminaControl to 1
(This turns off stamina drain while running. I made this tweak to reduce downtime, otherwise I’d have to stop and rest every minute or two)
Set REQ_HealthWeightControl to 1
(This makes carry weight static at a low value so that I don’t pick up too much stuff and become encumbered when I lose health.)