How do mods work? Im not very saavy :)

Post » Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:41 pm

How do mods work? Are they easy to apply or all you always typing in stuff? How do you even know when to enter them? I am so lost here! Give a lady some advice! Im trying to marry Ulfric and be high queen of Skyrim :)

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James Smart
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Post » Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:45 am

Mods work by altering the original content of the game via a range of different options. Some alter existing content such that the game although looks similar plays differently, combat settings, quests, NPC behaviour can all be tweaked to change how the game plays. Other mods may introduce new content to the game, new unique items like weapons, new lands and dwellings, more NPC's, custom designed content, on and on it goes. Mods can even remove things from the game - don't like that chair in breezehome create a mod with the chair gone.

A basic mod usually is in the form of an .esp file that is placed in your game data folder, included and activated in your load order, the game then looks for the extra content when it launches and includes any if it is. Say the mod simply doubled how high you could jump, by default with this mod active you would always jump higher.

As for typing I think you are referring to console commands. Console comands are actually a debug tool used for development but they can be used to make a great many alterations without the use of mods, many people find them very useful when a quest gets stuck and it can be pushed along via a simple console command.

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