[REL]/[WIP]The Imperical City of Sutch Reborn

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:17 am

While it is true that I reported mod conflicts - the main gist of it is that when you load the game it even says (with version 8.2) that there SHOULD be no city there already and to talk to Codwell in the IC.

But there is a city there and is an exact duplicate of the 7.8 version with all the same issues. Such as rocks colliding with the shrine outside. It is fully occupied and in trying to follow up with the mission that Codwell gives - there is no person at Fort Sutch to even talk to.

Clean save not necessary as detailed above. I did not go into all buildings but the NPCs look the same to me. Same city basically not a bit reworked from what I saw.

My reporting on the mod conflicts was also related to the previous discussion of how the mod was going to be more compatible and is not.

The latest version is 8.2 not 8.1 and he called it final.

[edit] but maybe I did not fully understand the difference between County of Sutch and this. Still the quest given seemed broken right from the get go.

When I say v8.1+ I mean v8.1 and any which have followed :) Last version I saw was pre-release v8.1, I have no clue what might differ between v8.1 and v8.2. When I started a new game with pre-release v8.1, the city walls existed, there were many NPCs wandering around within the walls, but there were no buildings within the walls. I've never loaded any previous version in-game so have no past experience to compare this with, I just assumed the walls and NPCs was how it was supposed to look before starting the quests to rebuild.

I haven't seen the past discussion about compatibility, but I can assure you v8.1 was more compatible with other mods than v7.9, though no specific mods were considered for v8.1. For compatibility, I would guess biulding was probably talking about County Sutch (not yet released) as being more compatible specifically with mods such as those you mentioned. If the mod's main quest isn't being triggered, then yes something needs adjusting in v8.2
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:57 am

Just to double check I redownlaoded version 8.2 and rechecked contents - and indeed this is what I tested above.

I then downloaded 8.1 and installed it after completely removing 8.2 (and reverting to a save that had never been there or had 8.2 in the load order (just to be clear).

8.1 was packaged with a BSA. After bashing the patch and loading the game - the first thing I notice is no message to see Codwell in the IC (with 8.2 I found him right away in Talos district). That isn't what interested me anyway - I wanted to see if the same city was there and traveled there to find out. Yes it is the same city as 7.8 excpet with missing banners and missing armor on guards. and crashy - twice a ctd.

So whatever version people on Nexus used to have no city there from the start - I cannot find (even in beta).

Decripit- that was my understanding as well. yet, if you read the comments on Nexus some complained about there being no city prior to talking to this codwell character.
So I'm very confused and so far convinced that what is up must be the wrong mod version.

ppl on nexus were complaining that there was no city, beucase there where no houses in the city... i get this complain alot... so that was discounted.. 8.1 had a bsa, BUT i didnt do something to activate it, so alot of purple meshes, and missing thigns were appearing... so that was scraqed, and i went back and re-added the manual archives...

the change logs for 8.2 are

added the intro message on how to start the quest line
unlocked the door to the talos hotel basment so that coddwell could complete his ai schedul, prevernting him from standing in the conner of the tiber septim hotel for ever, or locked in the basemant...
added quest icons

as for the various conflcits u mentioned mate, i dont use heath... so i didnt encounter the conflcit with the land tears, and floating plants inside the city walls... so that is taken care of...

okay im going to try explaing something confsuing and see how well it goes over...

Sutch Reborn - goes from version 1.7 through version 8.2 this is the mod currently avaible on nexus to dl..

Sutch Redux - This is version 9.0 of sutch reborn, the name was changed aswell as the complete city layout, all the ai... and quest line - --- this mod came out curpted in the end, cuasing horible ctd's and massive issues beyond wich i knew how to fix, so that mod was scarped.

County Sutch Reborn - is the replacment mod for ever other sutch mod released, that is a CLOSED ciity, and not in the same locaiton as the orginal city (sutch reborn versions 1.7-8.2)

the only planned diffrence between 7.9 and 8.1 was... for the mod to be cleaned of uneeded edits... but with the bsa not working the way i wanted it to.. i realsed 8.2 with the minor fix to codwell, and the intor message after all the reports of no city being there...

also finaly remembered to add icons to the quests...

hope that makes sesne, im now going to read the rest of the thread, and see if there is anyhting else to address :)

as for the rocks and shirne, the cliping was ententional... to hide it from the average traveler, and to make it seem like it was carved from that rock wall... hehe

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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:58 pm

vorians is exactly correct in just about ever explanation, besides the above stated, that County sutch reborn is a seprate mod, brand new esp, not reworked old esp...

the npc that u talk to after codwell, is connan, and he is in the palace... i tested all the quests with version 8.1 (i made only 1 changes from pre-realse 8.1, and realsed 8.1) which was fixing quest 6, so that it would run correctly.

i didnt edit any quests in version 8.2... other than adding the intor note... as explained above...

again the only point of realsing an 8.1/8.2 was to offer the older sutch mod, and have it more stable... and not as big of a risk for conflcit as it was before....

hope this all makes sense, if it dose not please let me know, and i will try my best to re-explain it

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:11 am

That is much more clear. Sorry about all the confusion - it looked like the same mod because essentially it is.

What threw me was the intro note that says there SHOULD be no city there (and there is) and that I could not find the person Codwell sent me to find at Fort Sutch (which is where he sent me).

I will wait in anticipation for County Sutch.

Again apologies for any confusion about versions.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:26 am

no worries bout the version confusuion :)

its confusuing to me almost, and im the one making them :)

yes, my orginal plans for sutch was to make it rebiuld like ravens rock, or cropsford... but that kinda went by the wayside at the end of the project anyway.... and i alwys had bug reports about "theres nothing in the town" so thats why that message appears now... hehe

yes, county sutch will be far better than the orginal sutch reborn...

and im going to try for more compatiblity with breaking the mod into parts :) like the docks, the main city, and other things :)

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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:31 pm

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