Your second thread was locked because you posted a complaint about a moderator's actions on the forums. Check the forum rules you agreed to abide by when you created your account here. Mod complaints are to be handled via PM with the moderator involved.
If you own a legal, licensed copy of Skyrim and are having problems installing it on your PS3, you've tried out everything that's been suggested and you've checked the disc for dirt and/or damage, you need to contact Bethesda support and explain the problem to them. If you have a damaged disc, they may replace it with another disc, possibly for a nominal fee.
If you do not own a licensed copy of Skyrim, you are not going to get any help from Beth support or from anyone on this forum.
Though Gator above pretty much sums it all up, please contact Rohugh through the private message system if you have questions about actions taken and don't make a thread about it.