Lame question (newb) about console commands.

Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 3:23 am

I realize this question is going to sound stupid with allot of (why don't you just test it?) Initial responses, but here it is, followed by the reason why I can't exactly conveniently test it myself;

When you enable console commands, such as "TCL" and "sky (s)"

Will these remain on or off after you quit to desktop, shut your PC down, then boot back up and load Skyrim up again?

Or will collision (TCL) and sky (s) commands revert back to their default settings?

I play on 360, but I bought a copy of skyrim just to transfer my 360 save and use console commands, then transfer back to 360.

My PC is extremely low grade, and it takes 10 minutes just to load a save.

Walking 5 paces takes over 2 minutes. That is how slow my pc is.

I only use it to load up a save, open the console and make changes, then save, shut down and transfer back to 360.

The last time I did this, I was playing with the console, and I can't remember if I may have typed in some codes in error, such as "TCL" and others.

I quit to desktop and shut the pc down.

The next time I boot up skyrim will all of the console commands be set back to default?

I really appreciate any help to my silly query.
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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 4:35 am

Discussion of transferring game content to and from consoles via PC is not a topic for discussion on these forums, sorry.

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