Solution for overpowered and underpowered stuff

Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:15 am

Dont use it. Dont complain about it. Just move on.

Its not like this is a multiplayer game where you have to face others online who use cheats and glitches (i.e., quckscoping in MW2). Its single player. If you feel something is underpowered (magic as a few would say), dont use it. If something in your opinion is overpowered (paralize as some would say) dont use it.

Waaaaaay too many people crying like babies over things in this great game. Just either learn how to use the item, or dont use it at all. Geez.

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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:40 am

I agree.

this will probably get locked.
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saharen beauty
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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:45 am

Yeah. I hope it isnt locked though because its such a gripe of mine how people start threads complaining about overpowered this or underpowered that. Or, they compare to Oblivion like "Oh, in Obvlion we could...wah.....wah.....wah...." or "Oh....magic is underpowered......wah wah wah....."

Magic is great in this game. Paralize is great in this game. Enchanting is great in this game. Smithing and alchemy are great in this game. All because you can level up really high and/or combine with other schools/abilities to make super powered things, or, you can just make semi-powered things.

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Sunnii Bebiieh
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Post » Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:04 pm

Didn't they fix stuff in F: NV regardless, BECAUSE THEY MADE THE GAME BETTER BY FIXING IT.
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:49 pm

Yup. Is your armor rating 1000+? Do have enchanments that give 300 + Health? Having trouble dying on Legendary difficulty? Don't (ab)use smithing or enchanting and you're not OP any more. Or just Legendary your skills back to 15 and use regular gear. Problem solved.

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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:26 am

To be fair, quickscoping wasn't cheating. I was pretty good at it in MW2.
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 1:46 pm

Oh look, the "if you don't like it, don't use it" argument. This is new and original.

It's a gripe of mine that people get on their soapboxes and sanctimoniously declare "if you don't like it, don't use it", as though that statement magically undoes the game's flaws. "X and x is great in this game" is a subjective opinion. People compare it to Oblivion because they expect improvements from Oblivion; if you can't stand the fact that people believe Skyrim is a step down from its predecessors in certain ways, then, how shall I put it...ah, yes.

If you don't like it, don't read it.

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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:56 pm

Ah, but some people keep using it and don't consider playing any other way. If they use smithing, enchanting or alchemy they must have the best gear and potions bar none, and must use exploits to improve those skills and any gear and potions. Then they complain it's over-powered, and then they restart and do it again, and don't consider that they can play in other ways. Some skills can be over-powered if one isn't careful, and it isn't necessarily a bug or a glitch, it's just a consequence of game design - it isn't going to be made hardcoe the way some people want because not everyone wants it to be hardcoe. Games are made for the masses, and even the minority that post on forums like this one don't seem to want hardcoe modes enforced on the player, they want the choice of deciding when they are over-powered or under-powered. The only other choice is to mix it up a bit - I smith items, but I won't be tempering or improving that much in order to avoid gear that is too powerful for my taste (I will do those things, but taking other balancing mechanisms into account). I believe the primary complaint is that some people do the same thing over and over, expecting a different result every time (the definition of madness), and claim that the game cannot be played any other way when it certainly can be.

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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 2:14 pm

I don't know; weird gameplay decisions are like Bethesda's hallmarks.

Morrowind? Fortify Intelligence shenanigans.

Oblivion? Stack Resist Magicka, Reflect Damage, or Chameleon.

Skyrim? Super-forging/alchemy/enchanting.

Maybe they think it's fun gameplay or something.

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daniel royle
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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 4:46 am

Fallout 3? Able to max every attribute and skill. Attempt to counteract with ridiculously overpowered enemies that do damage that cannot be resisted :facepalm:

I really hope that's because they aren't even attempting balancing.

But it's nothing that mods can't fix.
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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 5:26 am

Quite ironic that you complain about people complaining and rant about people ranting, what do you want a forum without posts?

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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 1:53 pm

I agree with the OP

If there is a feature in the game you don't like, just don't use it. no one is forcing it down your throat.
sitting here complaining all day won't do anything.

When you go to a restaurant, and you see Crab on the menu but you don't like Crab, do you complain to everyone at the restaurant that they need to take Crab off the menu?
No, you just don't order the Crab

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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 4:57 am

Well now, this is quite a thread, a reverse attack on criticisms, well played.

Oh and - magic is underpowered, paralyze is a ridiculously op spell, and quickscoping in mw2 wasn't overpowered.

Not crying about it, just saying it like it is :/

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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:13 am

I normally don't really find much interesting in threads like these, but I feel like I had to respond to a point made here.

Funnybunny said (Sorry, I haven't really worked out the mechanics here, including quotes)

"I agree with the OP

If there is a feature in the game you don't like, just don't use it. no one is forcing it down your throat.
sitting here complaining all day won't do anything.

When you go to a restaurant, and you see Crab on the menu but you don't like Crab, do you complain to everyone at the restaurant that they need to take Crab off the menu?
No, you just don't order the Crab"

But is this really the same thing? I mean, sure, if you hate crab, don't buy it. But if you order a platter that supposedly has crab included in it, and you do happen to like crab, only to find that the crab on that platter is hollow, or undercooked, can you still just say that "Don't like it, don't eat it"? You payed for that crab, surely you should expect to get a decent serving of it? I think that complaining that what you bought wasn't what was was advertised is completely acceptable.

I mean, I bought Skyrim with every intention of playing a magic character, only to be forced to re-build my character into a stealth/restoration build due to it being underpowered. Surely if a game says that the magic will be interesting, then the magic should be interesting? I mean, it's not really "Play your way" if your way has either not been given enough attention, or has been made underpowered is it?

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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 7:17 am

But wouldn't It be better if:

Destruction Alone wasn't Underpowered,

Paralyze wasn't Over-powered,

Enchanting and Smithing couldn't be abused?

Sorry for voicing something that COULD be fixed, how else if it isn't pointed out?

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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:54 am

Paralyze can actually be resisted, though. I'm not sure about the enchantment, but the spell itself is balanced by exorbitant costs and resist checks.

Though making Paralyze-and-Absorb Health spells back in MW/OB was hilarious.

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Post » Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:35 pm

It is a pretty rare enchantment, but once you find one (Usually one a bow as far as I can see), you just disenchant it, and put it on whatever catches your eye. Combine that with the perk that lets you enchant two effects on one item, and you start getting into the sort of overpowered stuff that was typical of end-game Oblivion.

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Post » Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:33 pm

1. Why not complain? I want to TES to get better not worse.

2. How does being a single player game make it acceptable for to not be balanced?

3. Have you considered that maybe everything is op/up aka there is not middle ground?

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Ashley Tamen
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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:08 am

Not sure I can completely agree with the OP on this. If things are broken they should be fixed. Broken is pretty personal too. I hate the magic system in Skyrim. Others don't. There's enough substance there that they can make it much better but either time or not wanting to guided Bethesda's hand on that. BUT grinding stuff to 100 then complaining is tiresome, yes. I agree with that. I play pretty naturally so I don't ever encounter these over powered things I guess. I'm not naturally gifted in figureing out if I take a potion of enhancing enchanting it gives me XYZ. Most of the time I forget about potions before I start stuff anyway LOL.

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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:19 am

Complaining is good. Otherwise OP wouldn't have made this thread to complain about people complaining. Take your own advice, if you don't like a thread, don't read it. Don't complain about it. Just move on. :)

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dean Cutler
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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 11:31 am

I agree as well to a point. Ive said in numerous threads before that theres no such thing as the perfect game. Theres always going to be some things that aren't to everyones liking. A game of this magnitude is going to have flaws. Im the kind of player that appreciates what I have and what was given to me, I enjoy it to the fullest without complaining. Are there things that I think should've been done better? Absolutely. But to call something broken is ridiculous. Same with overpowered. IF you're playign and all of a sudden you feel overpowered, bump the difficulty up to legendary. That'll solve that real quick.

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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 4:57 am

You've already made it clear you have no intention of finding your own middle ground in other threads - it's either all perks including the OP ones, or none whatsoever. You can cherry pick the perks you want and tailor it to your own experience, and don't say you can't - I and others have done so, so it is a fact. Don't come out with that 'Level # build' remark again, I was showing that there is a choice - no one forces you to take them all or take none at all, you are allowed to cherry pick.

It's no use saying I'm not playing the game the way it was intended to be played by not taking every possible perk and ending up OP, because quite clearly I am allowed to not take every perk if I don't want to. Otherwise the perks would be automatic, forced on me - but they aren't. The developers gave the player a choice in how good they wanted to be, and the only improvement enforced on the player is base skill improvement effects, not the perks or any of the exploits and glitches (and you have to go out of your way to use those exploits, it's a deliberate action to use them). I'm not saying that one can't become OP in various skills if not careful or not ramping the difficulty to extreme levels, and there are always features to improve in the next installment; what I'm saying is that there is some choice, the player has a chance to influence the outcome of improving throughout playing the game and picking perks.

Some of the perk trees could be better in vanilla, with things like Shield Wall and Overdraw not the perk you have to pick to access the rest of the tree, or the various Light Armour rating perks not being required just to get to any that reduce the weight of different pieces or enhance stamina regeneration when wearing Light Amour. In fact, it would have been better for there to be a penalty, perhaps a serious one, if not picking a perk in those trees - below average weapon or armour rating instead of enhancing the base ratings. However, that's a discussion for another thread.

We all have our own experiences of the game, and what some people consider OP/UP, others do not. Have you considered that your personal style of playing the game, your experiences, are not shared by everyone else? Plenty of people have found their own middle ground where they don't feel OP or UP, and it is a subjective issue to a certain extent. Your play style isn't the only one - I always say the right way to play is the way that the player enjoys the most, and it will vary a lot. I don't like DiD, but it doesn't make it any less valid a play style, nor do the feelings of the DiD players make mine any less valid.

Note: Please don't bother responding if you cannot be civil about it, you've treated me like a child before. Given your signature, I would certainly expect more respect in a discussion than you have given me before now.

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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:12 am

I agree for the most part but something that's underpowered svcks a bit, say a mage who wants to use only destruction...there's ways to make it work though

The overpowered complaint is whiney milk drinking. "rabble, rabble, i'm overpowered with my fully upgraded and perked daedric armor and weapons, rabble, rabble broken game". :slap:
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Robert Jr
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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 2:14 am

Most complains don't want TES to get "objectively" better, they want the game to match their own expectation. Better for you doesn't mean better for me, or better for everyone.

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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 11:16 am

Ah yes, well thanks for that thought but making a thread to complain about complaining and to accuse other members of crying like babies is bad.

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