You've already made it clear you have no intention of finding your own middle ground in other threads - it's either all perks including the OP ones, or none whatsoever. You can cherry pick the perks you want and tailor it to your own experience, and don't say you can't - I and others have done so, so it is a fact. Don't come out with that 'Level # build' remark again, I was showing that there is a choice - no one forces you to take them all or take none at all, you are allowed to cherry pick.
It's no use saying I'm not playing the game the way it was intended to be played by not taking every possible perk and ending up OP, because quite clearly I am allowed to not take every perk if I don't want to. Otherwise the perks would be automatic, forced on me - but they aren't. The developers gave the player a choice in how good they wanted to be, and the only improvement enforced on the player is base skill improvement effects, not the perks or any of the exploits and glitches (and you have to go out of your way to use those exploits, it's a deliberate action to use them). I'm not saying that one can't become OP in various skills if not careful or not ramping the difficulty to extreme levels, and there are always features to improve in the next installment; what I'm saying is that there is some choice, the player has a chance to influence the outcome of improving throughout playing the game and picking perks.
Some of the perk trees could be better in vanilla, with things like Shield Wall and Overdraw not the perk you have to pick to access the rest of the tree, or the various Light Armour rating perks not being required just to get to any that reduce the weight of different pieces or enhance stamina regeneration when wearing Light Amour. In fact, it would have been better for there to be a penalty, perhaps a serious one, if not picking a perk in those trees - below average weapon or armour rating instead of enhancing the base ratings. However, that's a discussion for another thread.
We all have our own experiences of the game, and what some people consider OP/UP, others do not. Have you considered that your personal style of playing the game, your experiences, are not shared by everyone else? Plenty of people have found their own middle ground where they don't feel OP or UP, and it is a subjective issue to a certain extent. Your play style isn't the only one - I always say the right way to play is the way that the player enjoys the most, and it will vary a lot. I don't like DiD, but it doesn't make it any less valid a play style, nor do the feelings of the DiD players make mine any less valid.
Note: Please don't bother responding if you cannot be civil about it, you've treated me like a child before. Given your signature, I would certainly expect more respect in a discussion than you have given me before now.