Hey there, fellow Dovahkiins! I am new to pc and wondering if Skyrim auto updates? Whats up with patches? Is there an official patch and where do i get the unofficial patch? Any advice?
Hey there, fellow Dovahkiins! I am new to pc and wondering if Skyrim auto updates? Whats up with patches? Is there an official patch and where do i get the unofficial patch? Any advice?
Steam automatically applies patches. You can get the unofficial patch from http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19/? (there are also links to DLC patches).
EDIT: You can also get them from Steam Workshop, just look through http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198051804717/myworkshopfiles/?72850
She has nothing on YSOLDA MUST DIE. But it was funny to see her first post on the forum: "What is the best mod for marrying Ulfric?"
lol,, you guys! Thanks for the advice, Rosveen and Vault Demon!