Hey class build assistance please - Reaver -

Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:30 am

HEy yall, I used to play Dark Age of Camelot alot, and have stopped playing elder scrolls ove rall.. I thought ID come back strong with a designate class..

I am making a Reaver, a sort of hybrid fighter, magic / sword shield

In DAOC he was a debuffer, and I can not recall if he could heal, and he had direct damage.

so I am making

Dark Elf -- Fire shield, kind of like the sacred faith allignment.

Sword (considering axe, for the epicness factor, but some nice swords in modsI have)

Destruction ( debating just lightning and poison (got morrowind spells mod))

light armor - some epic looking light armor mods, mastermind scout armor

Enchanting - specialty placement on his smithed items - inner sanctum knowledge

leaning imperials - but more of to the cause of it all - dragons/vampires...

I am wondering If I should throw Fire into his spell line, or keep him limited, Im having a hard time determining legitamacy factor to scoping in on a Reaver. I consider lightning like smite, the sacred power, but should for the sake of game I diversify and use fire, is their legitimate undead spec with fire I should keep in consideration?

Is healing a bit of a stretch as a hybrid fighter caster, I mean in morrowind there were buffs to consider, but in this its basically all heal isnt it?

Can anyone submit some feed back to help hone my guy into place as a cool [censored] Reaver... warrior direct damage impactor..

basically squash the fight for me, Fire/ Healing??

go with them or leave him heavier on the fighter side... also, take on using Dragon Spells, consider me to be the profound chosen Reaver of the realm, and allow for Fire to be used in that method?? or leave him pure without Dragon Consumption.. maybe my faith negates the Dragon Fusion???

much help some scope allignment for my play through.. I get kind of blocked out of myself sometime.

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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 1:32 am

Healing is always useful.
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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Tue Jun 25, 2013 7:40 am

USEFUL AYE< but i am referring to designating my character to a procedurre.

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