I'm new to Papyrus scripting (although I've coded extensively in VBA) so I'll apologize in advance if this is a stupid question. However, I am completely stumped and am hoping someone can help me out.
Basically, I want to apply the effects from the Sallow Regent Black Book to a shrine, so I don't have to go in and out of Apocrypha. I know that if I use the console command "Set DLC2BlackBookReward4 to #" I can change the reward (although not the descriptor in Active Effects). 1=Seeker of Might, 2=Seeker of Sorcery and 3=Seeker of Shadows. I have confirmed this works by checking via the console and testing Smithing, Enchanting and Alchemy effects and am certain I have that right.
So my thought would be that if I stripped out the TempleShrineBlessing actions and set the value via the activator script the same things would happen, but the value never changes (which I can confirm via console commands.
Here's my script, I'm hoping someone can provide some insight into what I'm doing wrong:
Scriptname aaaMight3 extends ObjectReference
GlobalVariable property DLC2BlackBookReward4 Auto
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)