First of all you have a Ivy bridge processor that's the latest you can buy. Those processors are using a Intel 4000 on die Graphic chip.
Actually that's the best you can have on a intel graphic card today.
I don't say it's super but it's playable. (and i don't think it's your graphic chip problem for your freezes anyway)
(Beside that i wouldn't choose high settings - i would go with medium settings and ( forget Anti-aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering - leave them off )
But one think more. I presume you have installed the DirectX 9.0 drives, have updated to the latest Intel drivers and turned off your Antivirus.
DirectX 9.0:
Intel 4000 Drivers:
So my friend a have something for you:
The Intel Ivy Bridge (Core i7 3770K) Review
(you will see actually how your Intel 4000 performs theoretically)
INTEL HD 4000: SKYRIM (on a Intel Core i5 3210k with 4 Gigs of ram)
(and now how it performs practically)