My character has just arrived in Solstein. I was wondering if there is any storage or a bed to sleep in at the start. Just beginning Dragonborn. i hate to keep going back to my house in Skyrim!
My character has just arrived in Solstein. I was wondering if there is any storage or a bed to sleep in at the start. Just beginning Dragonborn. i hate to keep going back to my house in Skyrim!
For safe storage check
A bed can be rented at the Retching Netch.
There's a player house available at the end of a quest line.
Jump right on the quest to get the new Player home, Yeknom...
And there's still a lot of stuff you've gotta do (which is why you should get on it right away).
It begins outside the town gates where you find Captain Bonemold battling with 3 or 4 Ash Spawns at the old farmhouse.
^^ This, the home you get after finishing the quest has everything you need: Enchanter, Alchemy Table, All the smithing stuff and a [censored] smelter too!