Skyrim: Unmodded to Modded

Post » Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:11 pm

Answer the question which applies to your situation.

PC Users: At what point, if ever, during your playthroughs of The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim did you start using mods and which mods do you use?

Non-pc users: If you could use mods for The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim which, if any, mods would you be interested in using? (Look for actual mods on Skyrim Nexus and Steam.)

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Bigze Stacks
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Post » Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:06 pm

I only put one mod on my game during week one, it stops the NPCs from talking to me unless I activate them. I did put a body and head replacer on later on, I just like looking at nicer NPCs.

I did not put one other mod on my game until just recently, and that was the Unofficial Patches. I waited until the Official Patching was done. Quite frankly, I never needed the Unofficial Patches, I just like being able to drop quest items. That's all for my mods.

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Alister Scott
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Post » Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:07 pm

If I had access to mods, I would use the unofficial patches, the Frostfall mod, and Immersive Armors and weapons.
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Post » Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:06 pm

Well, I began on Xbox. Needlesstosay, I put quite a few mods in the minute I got it for my new PC. Most of it made by myself with the creation kit. I like to keep my game close to vanilla as possible though.

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Post » Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:24 pm

I played on the Xbox for 6 months. However, as soon as I built my rig, I implemented mods from day one.

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Jose ordaz
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Post » Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:25 am

I played vanilla for quite a long time before installing mods. I thought "mods, what's that; meh... I don't need them." Now I have 100 + mods! :D

The first mod I installed was an alternate start mod because always starting at Helgen was getting boring. I've also played around somewhat with the creation kit and made my own houses and stuff.

Most of my currently installed mods are for the looks, and mods that add more armors, weapons, hairs, eyes, warpaints etcetera because I like to have a lot to choose from. But I want them to fit in with the world and not be overpowered.

I have ASIS for more enemy spawns and enemies actually use potions etc... "Immersive creatures" which also adds more - and more varied - enemies... and one mod that adds more dragons. "Immersive patrols" which adds more travellers to the roads, and more stormcloaks and Imperials.

I use UFO so I can have more than 1 follower at once... Convenient horses (before I installed that, I almost never used horses, and that's one of the few mods that I in fact consider necessary)... and other mods that change stuff that I thought weren't done right... Such as being able to change your spouse's clothes... Or to know which book is a skill book and what it tecahes, so my characters don't waste leveling points on skills they aren't interested in.

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Post » Wed Jun 26, 2013 6:17 pm

Considering Morrowind was the only Elder Scrolls game I played on PC first and I modded the hell out of it, I may or may not might be the type that goes for mods as soon as they're available.

I played Skyrim for a long time on Xbox before having access to a PC verison. Once I do get into modding the game, body and face mods are always the first thing I go for if I'm not pleased with the vanilla models. Morrowind was the only game where I didn't use any body replacers.

Afterwards I go for fixes for features I didn't like about the game (usually magic). After that comes quest mods and other things that add new content since I've seen pretty much everything up to that point.

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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:35 pm

I began adding Mods as soon as I found a fix for the blocky Noses, but I did not add anything until early December of 2011. I was too busy playing :tes:

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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:01 pm

I started Skyrim on my Xbox, so I had a pretty good feel for the vanilla game and the things I thought could use a little improvement.
Once I moved to PC and began modding... Well, for me let's just say it's an addiction. I have my load order set up wonderfully for my current warrior playthrough, but everytime before I load up the game I'm checking The Nexus for what's new and exciting.
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Post » Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:18 pm

Started using mods on the first playthrough, and not even that long after starting it. First mod was "no more blocky faces" I think. I ran relatively few mods for a time until I started my first major playthrough with my Altmer warrior. For him I installed all kinds of mods though even then there were none that did changes to overall gameplay. SkyRE was my first mod that changed combat, AI and such, and I started using it some four months ago I think. Today vast majority of my mods are cosmetic: characters, environment, textures etc.

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Kaley X
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Post » Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:45 pm

I started using mods as soon as I bought Skyrim for PC, after playing on PS3 since release. So after my third playthrough.

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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:52 pm

I voted second playthrough.

I never mod anything till I try it out, thoroughly. I have 3 characters on the Xbox 360 and 1 on the PS3, so I have played the vanilla game a fair bit. My PC character has had several restarts and is about to jump to a new PC where I will be free to mod for the first time. But still I want to do most things before touching any mods. And that includes those unofficial patches. if I can finish everything on the Xbox 360, I see no reason why the PC version would not also be perfectly playable as it is with only the official patches.

Second playthough I play around with unofficial improvements and mods. Should get there before Christmas.

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Post » Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:14 am

My first playthrough on pc, I started with the Unofficial Patch. Before that, I made a few characters on Xbox 360, before making the switch.

After reading up on the patch notes for the Unofficial Patch, all of a sudden, I lost interest in playing the game on Xbox 360 and haven't looked back. Oh, how I hated having to pick every nirnroot (before officially patched) and having to pick up every dropped weapon after a fight.

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Elle H
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Post » Wed Jun 26, 2013 6:47 pm

I played my first game without any mods. I enjoyed it. And I may even do it again sometime in the future. I did the same thing when I played Morrowind. My experience with Oblivion was different. I had to start modding Oblivion after playing only a few hours.

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Sarah Kim
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Post » Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:43 pm

I always like to keep my games mostly Vanilla. Mods I choose are usually low-impact like data changes for balancing and unofficial patches. Anything that really overhauls the mechanics or visuals I avoid, if I wanted my Skyrim to look like The Witcher I'd go play that. Special exception made for certain graphical overhauls, like MGE, though I don't think we have anything that extensive on Skyrim yet. Of course, it's more important that a graphical overhaul adhere to the original art as possible, or at least provide an install option that does.

I also really avoid mods that use other mods... Eventually you'll wind up with a mess that can break the entire game if one value gets removed or changed.

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